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So, who REALLY needs one? (+kefir-sourdough-sprout bread) Re:the cellphones killing gut flora
unyquity Views: 1,052
Published: 14 y
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So, who REALLY needs one? (+kefir-sourdough-sprout bread) Re:the cellphones killing gut flora

We all know that no one NEEDS a Cell Phone , but we will likely agree that we NEED a phone of some kind (even though civilization managed quite well without them for 8-10 thousand years, and we've only had phones for a hundred).

Most people have a computer, so they have Skype. That's a phone without a landline phone connection, eh?

And when it comes to something that's this viciously brutal & negative to the health of our triunity? There is ALWAYS a way, if there's a willingness.

If I said, "I'm going to force-inject you with a low dose of this health/mind/body destroying poison every day until you come up with $200 for a landline". Most everyone would figure out a way to come up with the $200 in a few months, eh? One way would be to ditch the satellite/cable subscription and sell the TV.

I know what true financial poverty really is...there have been MANY a week there's been less than $20 in my checkbook with no more money coming in for a week or two (where something as simple as a flat tire would have 'sunk me' totally). But there's always a way...babysitting, cleaning out garages for people, etc. $200 bucks is 'no hill for a climber'.

Let's expect (and even demand?) the BEST from each other and those we're trying to help. Giving someone an 'excuse' or 'reason they can't' doesn't make it any easier for any one.


(who has to get back to the posts she's working on, and keeping track of the kefir-sourdough-sprout bread that just went into the oven...YUMS) This is our first time adding fresh sprouts - one half of the wheat has added alfalfa, broccoli, & clover sprouts, and one half of the rye has fresh radish sprouts. Only 1/2 hour 'till it's out of the oven, and then 15 minutes after that is 'taste time'! :)



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