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Hmmmm, well then...Re: what would you do, if you could be 'freed up' from all that takes so much time?
unyquity Views: 1,092
Published: 14 y
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Hmmmm, well then...Re: what would you do, if you could be 'freed up' from all that takes so much time?

...since any serious student of the actions of the PTB knows that 'their' technology is at least 25 years more advanced that what 'we the people' are allowed to see, then I'd say "insidious" in the first word that comes to mind.

Example: in the late 1970's all countries in the UN were required to sign a 'promise' that they wouldn't use their 'weather weapons' against other UN countries - and now 30 years later, 'we the people' are still ignorant and arguing amongst ourselves about "if they have them", and can really create hurricanes, tsunamis & earthquakes.  Sheesh, they've been able to do that for 40 years.

Ever since there's even been 'an internet' there have been advanced artificial intelligence 'programs' that mimic real people/posters in internet forums, put there to disrupt the flow of information and Truth.

They allow us to see this: (a comment posted under the videos/site you linked to):

>>>Actually you guys haven’t seen anything yet. The country with the most advanced robotics labs and production deployment plans is Vietnam! That’s right! You heard it…Vietnam. They have a government funded company that’s planning a production robot soon “For Every Home” That is fully mobile! The first prototype was placed in a tournament against ping pong champions and lost badly…it wasn’t nearly fast enough so they went back to the labs and made all the necessary changes and developed prototype two which is now invincible at ping pong against any human opponent even 2 against one! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Their plan is to have their robot in every home in the western world within 10 years from now once production is started. The robot can do the following things: All household chores including laundry, dishes, cleaning; walk the dog, security, watching the kids, changing diapers, assisting the physically challenged, even cooking is on the books….I Robot is closer than you think!<<< anyone with 'eyes to see' can assume this has very likely been a reality for quite some time.  When you combine "this with that" (the artificial intelligence capabilities of a human)...?...well, that pretty much "blows it open", eh?  Spybots that can gather information and report 'back to Central' via wifi...and do just about anything they're programmed to do.

'Just one more reason to cleanse, nourish and purify our physical bodies so that our mind & our spirtual self can be strengthened and constantly in tune/connected with the SOURCE of all goodness & victory.  A few thousand evil minds and their bots cannot possibly control the billions, unless the billions allow it.

"Know Yourself and know your Enemy, and you will be victorious in 100 of 100 battles" (The Art of War).  The Truth hasn't changed and never will.

Let truth & freedom REIGN! :)  It all starts with each of US :)




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