I'm very glad I don't have a young child now. (mine's almost 28) I don't know how many parents would be able to keep a child from having a cell phone at the least, these days. In a big city, that is. Without being actively hated, that is.
And really, it's so very hard to deny a child what "everyone has" -- though I was lucky. Mine never wanted the usual junk.
( and I didn't have TV as a child either! Even that was unheard of, back then) I do not have a cell phone, and don't intend to get one. I wish for things like a featherweight singer sewing machine, hand-cranked...a yurt. More time. :-) But no androids in the home.
I have seen babies being given all sorts of phones and so on to play with. They get smiles from their 'adoring' parents
for saying hello, and pretend phoning. It's appalling how fast
things have gone berserk.