Re: can you identify this worm?
well, that's the general assumption. there are only a few kinds of worms and it has to be one of them.
but there are a lot of unknown worms out there. and the worm i'm passing doesn't seem to fit the current model.
everyone looks at pic 1 and says round worm. but pic 1 is one of these worms with a weeks worth or deterioration.
i could take a worm and put it in a blender. then, take a picture of the results and post it here. and people would say it is just diarrhea or feces but not a worm. and they would all be wrong. it's still a worm.
so to avoid confusion, i included pic 2 which is a sketch of what this worm looks like alive (or freshly dead). and it seems to defy the current classification model. its like a hybrid of both a flatworm and whipworm.
so maybe the model is outdated.
and if you look at pic 1 and look at the right tip of the worm, you can see that the last 1 to 2
inches is larger in circumference and diameter from the rest of the worm. and i'm telling you and everyone else, that this segment was larger a week prior to the photo. it looked just like my sketch. which is not a roundworm.
i passed the worm. i took the photo. i know what it looked like. i drew the sketch. so i'm hoping someone will take all of that into consideration and help me figure out what it is. instead of just taking a quick glance at pic 1 and making a snap judgement, which is useless to the discussion.