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Re: Possibly mercury toxic?
warduck Views: 2,698
Published: 14 y
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Re: Possibly mercury toxic?

Hi cougar!

>1 Do you still have fillings? I think you still do. If
>they are metallic looking they have mercury in them.

Not sure but they are definitely gray. I finally hunted the dentist and he should be emailing me my dental records. Will follow-up after the weekend.

>If you can afford $90 to do a hair test you might consider
>doing one as a baseline.
>Hair Elements Test. Andy has a special way to read the

I will do this immediately. Thanks!

>2. Do you have any sense of reacting to cruciferous
>veggies? Cabbage, broccoli, kale, family of veggies....

That's very interesting. I've come to believe that high-sulfur supplements and foods encourage candida growth. Assuming this is true, then yes, high-sulfur foods will cause skin and elimination problems if I stop taking Iodine or pantethine-molybdenum. Already in this two-day Iodine pause, and keeping with the same diet and supplements, I have had a little diarrhea, slightly more itchiness, and heavier breathing such that I've had to take a puff of the salbutamol inhaler (not the fluoride one). Yikes.

Two weeks ago, I tried an experiment to reduce and eliminate pantethine and molybdenum over the course of a week. The day I completely avoided them was a disaster but I was prepared as symptoms had been deterioriating. So it's rather clear that candida is still raging in my system and Iodine and pante-molyb probably keep the symptoms at bay by moving the aldehyde by-products out of the blood. If not candida, then the sulfur or cysteine?

Cruciferous veggies have always been a problem for me, especially when I was a raw vegan, pre-iodine. I could not eat them in any form because of indigestion and inflammation. Nowadays, I can eat broccoli, bok choy and spinach without a hitch. I should leave crucifers out for a while just to see how it is. But they're so nutrient dense and great sources of vit A and K.

White and brown rice also affect breathing without SSKI , even though they're gluten-free. Strangely, refined rice in the form of vermicilli is never an issue.

I guess this is one of the "good" things about having COPD and being oversensitive. When something goes wrong, it's obvious very quickly!

>according to Andy if we get the mercury out we still can
>heal really well.

I'm very grateful for this and will study his protocol to be ready. :)

I am taking 3g of SSKI . My body just craves the stuff such that when the time comes, I think to forgo pulsing. With this second pause though, I've learned that it's not good to pause for longer than 48 hours.

Liver flushes, I shall look into this. Whenever things calm down, I plan to do some of these secondary protocols.

Thanks so much for your input! :)


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