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Possibly mercury toxic?
warduck Views: 2,986
Published: 14 y

Possibly mercury toxic?

I've become a lot more convinced of being Hg toxic. The suspicion has been around since my first post here. But finally looking back, I took the swine flu vaccine on Dec 22, 2009, a seasonal one in winter 2008, and another in 2005. Have a few fillings but no amalgams or root canals.

I've passively read through symptoms of Hg toxicity and somehow believed that a metallic taste was the predominant sign, which I didn't have. But then I loaded the Wiki entry on mercury poisoning and meet *all* the symptoms of it:

itching, burning, skin discoloration, swelling, shedding of skin, profuse sweating, tachycardia (first week of detox), salivation, loss of hair, rashes, muscle weakness, increased light sensitivity, and neuropsychiatric symptoms (emotional lability, memory impairment, insomnia)

I'm going to buy some ALA post-haste, as recommended by ZlatinValchev four threads up. But having read some of Newport's posts about Hg, I'm terrified. Am I permanently destroyed if it is mercury? It seems that the Hg should have passed the blood-brain barrier after being dislodged by the iodine. I don't think any of my current supplements chelate it either. It's Day 115 since first touching iodine and Day 75 of the detox wave.

Appreciate any input while I cry.

Past Updates: Intro, U1, U2, U3

Mini-update: Day 32 of iodine resumption, first of two-day pause, skin problems reduced to hands only

Lugol's at 76.5 mg (total), SSKI at 3120 mg, Sea Salt at 1 tsp, Licorice Powder at 2 tsp, Adrenal Miracle Mix, Borax

Since U3 (bottom of post), Betaine up to 3240 mg, Selenomethionine down to 600 mg, Vit C up to 4.75 g, Vit E d-alpha started at 400 IU, Molybdenum up to 1000 mcg, Copper resumed at 2 mg, Probiotic stopped



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