Strange reaction going blind
All i did today was usualy, oatmeal breakfast. Digest enzyme.
Then i took a detox bath of epsom an peroxide.
THen i tried something new, some hemp protein in hemp milk
My peripheals are going blind, Its a strobbing suiggly line thats getting bigger. At first when I looked at workds they would dissapear, now it seems to of moved to the upper part of my eye, as i'm looking at the screen now i cannot see anything above or left of computer screen. Its the same in both eyes so me thinks it's more a brain issue than actual eye?
Its almost line a "line" of strobbing blindness. It's quite scary and i'm going to the optometrist in an hour, i figure with my history of eye floaters it would be a good thing to check out.
Perhaps a
parasite in my eye? Something messing with my brain?
Perhaps detox bath released acids in my head?
I'm confused