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Results of second flush
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Results of second flush

hi. last night i did flush and followed directions perfectly - 6pm, 8pm Epsom Salts (no eating after 2pm) then at 10pm the oo with grapefruit juiceand Clarkia . Today my first two movements were just plain old poo, then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth (and what started them coming was eating food at around noon) and seventh had no stones but lots and lots of what i guess is chaff. Floating all on top, little bits of ground flaxseed-looking things. My poo never looks like this so I guess it's chaff. But why brown? Why not green? I still don't get how it works, even though I've read about lfing a million times. Hulda writes that when it's green this is PROOF that it's from the liver because it's covered in bile. But doesn't poo get its brown color from bile?

She writes that getting the chaff out is just as important as getting stones out so I'm not really dissapointed (although of course everybody wants to see enormous balls coming out of them, myself included). Two weeks ago after my first Liver Flush my most energetic day was TWO days after the lf so I bet tomorrow I'll feel great again too.

Also in my third poo with the chaff there were a few clear, peapod-looking empty casings that I never usually see. This of course makes me think I'm infested with parasites (and I've done the Clarkia routine - only once though). I think these weird looking things come out because I include 25 drops of Clarkia in my oo and grapefruit juice as Hulda tells us to. I guess I should do another Clarkia round.

Anyway thanks to everyone here supporting each other. I'll let you know about my third flush two weeks from now.


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