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Re: I need a liver flush buddy
prosperous Views: 2,623
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 176,743

Re: I need a liver flush buddy

Good luck this weekend. I hope you have a great flush. I think I'll do mine next week (Tues/Wed).
You're right about the unhealthy eating being less and less appealing. After my 1st flush I felt like all I wanted to eat was healthy stuff. I've become a pretty good eater in the past few years (still far from perfect but I seem like a health nut by most peoples standards) and I usually stay that way unless something disturbs it and I go off for a while (like this weekend). But I notice that after a few days of not so great food I crave my healthy diet, so it seems my body's cravings have changed overtime and it doesn't let me eat junk for more than a few days before it sends a signal to eat something nutritious.
Good luck with your flush!!!


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