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Re: Will Flushing Help Restore Thyroid Function?
newbe Views: 3,805
Published: 19 y
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Re: Will Flushing Help Restore Thyroid Function?

Wow! Sounds simialar to my story: lots of drugs and doctors and only getting worse.

I use classical homeopathy and the cleanses, mostly the Hulda Clark cleanse. I have a gallstone, and liver gallstone pains for years before it showed up on ultrasound. Along with tons of other health issues.

I have been on this board on and off for 4 years, and I would bet it would make a huge difference for you to liver flush. I wish I had done it sooner. My first cleanse didn't do anything as far as how I felt, but it was very successful though as I got over 300 soft stones out. My second cleanse was even better I felt great after, energy and mental clarity. My liver pain has changed and isn't as intense after my second flush. I have read posts that it takes 3 flushes to get the ducts cleaned out and another 5 flushes before your health is almost 100% again. Some people need more though. Just FYI because I thought one flush would do it all.

I would suggested the Bowel Cleanse before the flush, because you need to keep the gut cleaned out, no sense adding garbage to garbage.

Fertility is linked with thyroid problems, though I bet you know this ;-)
Also, low vitamin E is linked to fertility issues. When I started adding vitamin E to my diet, years ago my fertility signals increased, though I was avoiding pregnancy at the time.

Best Wishes!


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