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Uny- my gums, will you take a look?
healthyartist Views: 1,714
Published: 14 y

Uny- my gums, will you take a look?

Hi there!

I just posted this thread about my gums: //

and was wondering if you would mind taking a look.

I'm not sure what else to do. I've tried two coffee enemas now, and the second one seems to have made my teeth and gums hurt worse.

Thank you, by the way, for spending so much time explaining your thoughts on the coffee enema. I was really hoping that it would help my gums...

I have a feeling the that rest of my organs look as inflamed as my little gums. Just a little background, I have advanced Adrenal Fatigue, and a chronic yeast infection for the past three months now.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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