Re: For the experimentors among us, also of interest in the general water-drinking discussion.
Hi NH (if I may call you that)
I'm aware of what Natural Hygiene teaches on the subject, thanks. (edit--I realized that sounded snippy, and I didn't mean it to) I was mainly wondering if anyone had experience with this "black mica" product called Adya Clarity. Not that I'd want to promote it for a water fast. (Something the *old-timers* might be curious about though, maybe.) I will try it first in my tap water--which sadly, people I know and love still drink. How strange that we now have to buy our own water...
This is nicely stated:
Distilled water cannot leech minerals from our bodies because it is inert and is acted on by the body, not the reverse.
Nevetherless, there is a 'deadness' to the water by taste, in my experience, thus far. (even when it's very fresh) I believe I would always want to add something to it, if only a few grains of a good Himalayan salt. Unless I were to
Water Fast with it--which I suppose I might try, once I have a home distiller.
Have never as yet felt 'called' to do a
Water Fast using it exclusively. I'm strongly intuitive by nature, (although I wear myself out at times, by over-thinking, or over-engaging), and so far, it's working quite well, especially as I do more water fasts, and follow NH ways, in general.
best, C