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Re: Hello Everyone.
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,392
Published: 14 y
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Re: Hello Everyone.

Chris, I am so sorry to hear that you've been going through such difficulty. I had wondered about 'burnout', as perhaps have others; many of us have misssed you, and your unfailingly balanced approach in making NH known and understood *comprehensively*, which has been such a great service to others who've come upon this forum,new to Water Fasting AND Natural Hygiene.

I consider myself blssed to have happened upon the place when you were so much the heart of it.

Many times in the past several months I would teeter between a nagging concern over your well-being, and the sense that perhaps you had simply done enough, and were ready to get on with your book, or maybe living the life of a retired racehorse-- :-) with some good, God-given grass underfoot, and a stainless sky above.

"You are not a carthorse Christopher, but only merely a racehorse" is a wonderfully warm and insightful observation,
full of paradox, as life is,(thank you for sharing it with us!).

It does not suggest 'feebleness' to me at all, but a kind of evanescent brilliance of the flesh: what this body can accomplish. We DO all burn away at that level, like the morning mist, but what a lot of good we bring before -and between- us. I will not go and get too metaphysical on you. :-)

But prayersm yes, You will stay in my prayers for a complete recovery, and many more years of unfoldment.

I understand the experience of being incapacitated, of the two-ended candle, nervous exhaustion, and of not being able to communicate about it at the time of being amid it. Very glad you have seen your way through it to some greater degree. I have gone through it myself. Notably, at the age of 33. I'm now 53.

For so long you were always available here to to others.
There is a wealth of good available here to anyone who wants to search for it. I would like to see some of it put into the FAQ--this is something I hop others will feel called to engage in. Thw writing and posting (especially as you were doing it) does take an enormous amount to time and nergy. I hope that you are being very careful with rebuilding the nerves. The myelin sheathes for certain must have grown ragged. What are you doing diet-wise? if you don't mind sharing a bit more. As a Natural Hygienist, I would love to hear a little more about where things are now. Do you attribute the Depression to any imbalances nutritionally? Or mainly to zeal and overwork?

If you don't feel you want to talk further, that's okay.

All the best,
love and light



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