Hello Everyone.
I'd like to say thank you to Raynbo and Chiron for inquiring as to my absence on the forum and for those of you who may have wondered what had happened to me.
My situation reminds me of Sylvester Graham who as one of the early Hygienists suffered an early demise, and much earlier than expected from the Hygienic lifestyle he endorsed and preached. Like
Shelton he suffered a premature death because of over work and stress for their cause.
I have reached the grand old age of 57 and have been in excellent health for many a year after my recovery from Leukemia, but in later years I have been burning the candle at both ends both in the duties of my regular work, and that of devoting much of what little spare time I have into writing and posting/reading onto this and other forums at curezone.
Graham was of a delicate physical disposition and only lived till he had reached my own age at this moment in time.
A respected Hygienist once said to me: "you are not a carthorse Christopher, but only merely a racehorse" which tallies exactly with the feeble constitution of Graham himself.
I am alive today because of my Hygienic lifestyle rather than in spite of it and can thank God for allowing me to progress thus far.
To the point: I have overworked so much over the last few years that it has finally caught up with me; since October of 2010 I have been incapacitated and unable to function for this reason and have suffered from the extremely debilitating effects of Major
Depression and Nervous exhaustion.
I am now finally coming out of this nightmare and hellish existence only understood by those who have experienced it, to a more normal sphere of existence, but this will ultimately be a month or two yet in realizing a full recovery.
You may ask, where is the sense in making myself ill for the cause I love so dearly and the answer to that my friends is entirely to do with zeal and the obsession with making the Hygienic way of life known to all.
Best Wishes.