Dear Chris, God bless you in your fight! You probably don't remember me, but you helped me with my very first 10 day fast last year, and for that I am so grateful. I am fasting again (currently on day 3) and your wisdom and information you have put up on these boards is such a help to us all. Any time I have a question I revert back to your previous posts!
I wil pray for you tonight at church that you are able to rest and make a full recovery! Depression, anxiety, and grief are some of the worst illnesses - I only know because I experienced a bit of them all for the first time this year, and am only starting to come out of it now...
God bless! :)
Dear Vidda and Chiron,
You are very correct in your posts. I acknowledge that by having some sugar free gum and flavored water the first three days I am not "water fasting" YET. But it is my slow process of getting into it. I know this is something that goes against the principles of water fasting, and want to make it clear that I don't encourage it, but merely want to share my experiences. By day 4 I am completely on water and resting, so Day 4 I guess is technically my day 1! But I just didn't mean to come off ignorant or offensive to anyone, especially those who have done extended water fasts and read every book on fasting there is. I really respect your knowledge and education on the subject; you both contribute such valuable posts on this form... why else would I keep coming back? :)
I have researched fasting myself, much more than you would think, and readily admit that I believe in doing it 100%, yet I know I slip up along the way, but always want to feel free to be honest on this forum. (Kind of like a bad Catholic when it comes to sinning, I guess!) Haha
Thank you for all you wisdom, past and present...
Take care and happy fasting!! xo