Re: MISINFORMATION ALERT...above post.Re: My first cleanse - question about the olive oil...
There's really nothing to 'agree' or 'disagree' with here:
If you're stranded in the ocean, and you drink only salt-water, you WILL die of dehydration...end of story.
However, the addition of "good" salt to water, DOES help our bodies to function better for a variety of different reasons...but by itself, in the strictest sense of understanding, salt-water is dehydrating, NOT hydrating.
And of course, if one is talking about 1/4 of teaspoon of salt in a gallon of water, one typical doesn't see or feel the effect of dehydration (if there is one with that huge of difference in ratio).
I just didn't want to see someone that was extremely dehydrated slamming down, say 32
ounces of water with a tablespoon or two of salt...and ending up in the ER!