I was deficient in B12 and Iron because of the diet not because of Candida. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, I have cured Candida using the following:
I did all this for 3 months
Methalyne Blue (Drinking one cup a day of 1 gallon of water with 1 drop of 2.7% MB)
Nystatin 3X Daily
1 week of Fluconazole every 4 weeks
Using Dr. Ted from Bangkok's alkalizing methods
Taking LOTS of natural antifungals and rotating them daily
About 12 pills of Allicin daily, 4 per meal
Taking loads of probiotics (Kefir, Lactobaccilius Acidopholdus, Bifidus, PB8, etc.)
Eating ONLY organic food
Drinking ONLY filtered water