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Re: You're getting closer
JWangSDC Views: 2,268
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,747,920

Re: You're getting closer

I don't know why you even responded to my message. I did not say I was living a normal life, I only have to do this for half a year. I am getting closer to living a healthy life. Only 4 months ago I had much worse eczema, tinitus, severe yeast issues, hypoglycemia, bloating, fatigue, etc. In only 50 days of juicing these symptoms are over half gone. What I am doing is the most EXTREME and quick way to cure my problems. You only have to do it until the problems are gone. I never said it was fun, it is extremely difficult but I do it so the rest of my life WILL be fun.

You are so bitter and angry you had to come and yell at me when you clearly didnt' even read my orignal message. You just turned it into something it wasn't so you could write a hateful response.

How healthy can you really be if you're coming on just give a response like that? My candida was REALLY REALLY bad when I was in a place even half that hateful.


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