Underlying causes: what the heck is wrong with us?
Hello All,
Much has been made recently of heavy metal toxicity/chelation, enough to get us all thinking hum??? powertool has
parasite thread going now, another biggie in the realm of “what the heck is really wrong with me” But has anyone ever really explored low stomach acid? I have to admit that I’ve heard of it, but never really delved into it. After doing a little research I’m a little bit excited however.
What I found is that low stomach acid causes:
Incomplete digestion of proteins
Indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation
food allergies
Bacterial and fungal overgrowth
Nutrient deficiencies
Adrenal Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue
Various autoimmune diseases
After working so hard on all of my problems, it seems embarrassing if this is the solution,. Has anyone gone down this path and found that no, stomach acid wasn’t it, not really the issue. For example I worked hard on adrenal fatigue and candida and found I could manage and improve and hold a certain level, but in the end, I wasn’t cured and both AF and candida imbalance seem like symptoms rather than the problem. I don’t know, it seems like my whole natural health ideology and strategy is changing almost daily now and right now I’m leaning towards toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, and low stomach acid being the BIG 3 underlying problems.