"You are right that this can be sugar diabetes, but I doubt diabetes insipidus (DI). Since DI involves a lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH, vasopressin) you would be urinating a lot, but with more of a full bladder each time. But you can still have these checked with a fasting glucose and ADH levels."
As my diary shows, on some day, I actually urinate more than I consume in liquids. I will ask my doctor for a fasting glucose test and ADH levels to be checked.
"Another possibility I can think of is interstitial cystitis."
I will look into this.
"Prostate infection is possible, but again unlikely. Infections will generally result in swelling, which again would be detected by the digital exam."
I know it's unlikely but would MMS remove the infection?
"As for hemorrhoids there are a number of causes including lack of fiber in the diet, lack of silica or vitamin C, straining while having bowel movements or lifting, portal vein congestion, etc."
If I increase fiber in my diet and take a silica and vitamin C supplement and the hemorrhoids was caused by one of these, would the hemorrhoid start to disappear? or am I stuck with this hemorrhoid all my life?