Re: Parasites vs Alkaline?
good post about the minerals. Can you give more information as to which mineral imbalances or deficiencies specifically? (Oh, now I see from the Wilson article that calcium is alkaline-forming. He also talks about heavy metals that interfere with calcium absorption, making it biounavailable.)
Also different parts of the body are acidic or alkaline. I still don't understand how people think saliva testing, or urine testing is an indicator of the overall ph.
something to consider from Larry Wilson.
parasites and candida go together.
Slow Oxidation. Most people with candida overgrowth have a slow oxidation rate. This is also usually an exhaustion stage of stress, with underlying fatigue and the accumulation of toxic metals. Several reasons for candida in these individuals are:
1)While their cells are more acidic, their intercellular spaces can become too alkaline, which favors candida growth. Reasons this may occur are that slow oxidizers do not generate enough acid end products of metabolism such as lactic acid. Also, calcium, an alkaline-forming element, increases in their tissues in slow oxidation and may affect the alkalinity in the spaces between the cells.
2) The pH or the intestinal tract also is often too alkaline. This may be due to low levels of bile acids, hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the overgrowth of various abnormal intestinal flora such as E. Coli and others. This is one reason acidophilus, an acid-forming organism, often helps alleviate candida. Acidophilus also helps acidify the colon, impeding the growth of candida in the large intestine.
3) Slow oxidizers generally have a copper imbalance.