Re: Parasites vs Alkaline?
My understanding is that anything which is toxic is acidic, or makes the body more acidic, so within that framework I did:
NAET which I found cleansing and which helped to rebalance
Field Control Therapy, also cleansing but also supported the organs in need
Far Infrared Sauna
REmoval of
Amalgams and chelation of mercury using Field Control Therapy
Accupuncture and lymphatic massage (the NP does both)
REmoval of toxic chemicals from personal and household care
Iodine to displace toxic bromine, chlorine, florine and boost metabolism for detoxification
Stress reduction through counselling
Support of immune system through various supplements
I imagine you're familiar with these, so apologies if I'm saying the obvious. I have found that my body balance returns slowly and in a spiral shaped fashion, dipping down on detox to rise higher afterward. Though I was very ill at first and now lead a normal life, the
parasites and liver have been my biggest challenge and I could never have tolerated the detox earlier in my healing. The diet was the foundation of everything - for that I saw a holistic nutritionist who muscle tested me to see along the road what foods my body was struggling with. Avoiding those gave my body the space to heal. It wasn't only always the obvious ones (sugar, caffeine, processed foods etc.) but also at times more surprising ones, but the acidic foods always feature on the no-no list when I was detoxing heavily (dairy, red meat, sometimes fruit when the yeast rose to deal with the mercury, because of the fructose in the fruit. (all this was expensive but I was after a bit able to work into my retirement to fund it).
I hope there's something useful there.