Not everything works for all people. I didn't think EFT worked either...when the issue was hot it didn't seem to do me any good. However, now that I have cooled off, I do it on myself whenever I am feeling obsessive about something, and it seems to help. Its' simple. It's free. It only takes a minute to learn how to do it. But to use it on yourself or not is up to you. I never thought of it as a cure all for diseases...just emotional issues, which may or may not be tied to disease.
When I worked with a practitioner, I did not find it to be all that expensive. Mine also used counseling and acupuncture... Going there helped me in that it was supportive, but it was really the passing of time that got me under control.
Hypnosis didn't work for me either, but I know it works for some.
We are complicated, complex creatures. There is no magic bullet for anything.