Roughly, the sugar cravings can be from the candida, salt cravings can be from adrenal fatigue. I see you spend a lot of time on Candida Support -- consider this posting from 5 months ago --
And can I just say that it is true that you need to clear the mercury 1st. The whole reason that most people have candida is because of a mercury overload, unless you have a copper deficiency or Aids or Cancer, or some other immune depleting disease.
. It has been claimed that the prevalence of Candida in mercury patients is the body’s reaction to the metal and it over produces yeast and abnormal flora in the intestinal tract to "chelate" the metal and protect the body.
Not sure if this part is true. Think it hold onto the yeast for us and protects us from it
What IS known is that mercury causes the production of abnormal flora, particularly anti-biotic resistant flora, which allows Candida to set up shop and go nuts.
So this is why the mercury needs to be detoxed in order to eliminate the yeast. Some believe, like the makers of NDF and such, that if you kill the yeast 1st it will release it into the bloodstream and it will re-deposit in the organs. Who knows.
All I know is that I spent 10 years trying to get rid of the yeast and until I started focusing on the Mercury nothing good happened for me. Imagine the yeast diet for 20 years and you'll go crazy!