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Is Dehydration ever desired??
Wheatgrass Yogi Views: 4,694
Published: 15 y

Is Dehydration ever desired??

I guess I'm going to have to call in Chrisb1, but maybe some of you other 'wise heads' will know. I'm getting psyched-up about Water Fasting until the end of the year.....about 14 days or so. I'm a few days away from starting. Some loose ends need to be what do I do with all the fruit on my Grapefruit Tree??? When I do start, here's my 8am...Noon...4pm....take in 16 ounces of Water, making a total of 48 ounces in a day. I may adjust the 16 ounce amount (up or down) as my Body dictates, but taking my water at those specific times will not change. That means I may get thirsty outside of the times of water intake. That also means I may be experiencing some mild Dehydration. I'm feeling it will be okay. Must you always take fluid immediately when dry-mouth is experienced? I'm saying let it go a while for a better Cleansing and Healing than just a Water Fast alone. The WF 'rules' say that water must be taken when thirsty. Well, rules are meant to be bent, aren't they??
Why am I going to do this? I believe that Feeding (and that includes Water Only) is best done at specific times. That 'frees' the Mind to think about more important things than just food (or drink). That also builds a healthier Body...assuming, of course, that the foods are healthy.
If you don't know when you're eating next, you end up thinking about food all day long. And, many times, the wrong Foods.
"Train the Mind. The Body will rebel. But work on the Mind until the Body becomes what you're seeking.".....WY


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