Re: Undertaking 15 day Water Fast and seeking guidance
Hi Stef :),
-How to maintain weight a few days/a week after breaking fast?
It is almost impossible to keep the temporary losses off, ie: the temporary water and the intestinal content, though it is definately possible to maintain fat loss and keep losing more (fat) upon refeeding while gaining back the temporary losses. The way to do this is to drink/eat fewer calories than your body is burning, keeping in mind that your metabolic rate after 15 days of fasting will be temporarily reduced by about 15-25% and back to normal after about 6 weeks.
-Is munching on celery a good way to break the fast on the very first days?
It could be a lot worse, but in my opinion you would ideally want less fiber and the greatest possible digestive simplicity in the earliest stages of breaking. Juice is the thus the optimal fast breaking food and celery juice would be great.
-Can I advance to boiled brocolli and carrots on the 2nd day onwards?
After a 15 day fast it would be ideal to ease out with juice alone for about 3-4 days before stepping into whole vegetables and fruits.
-When can I start consuming meat again?
Ideally in allowing your digestive prowess to re-establish itself, no sooner than about the 8th day following 3-4 days of juice and about 4 days of veg and fruit.
-How do I get rid of fasting insomnias? (I don't have any form of sleeping pills :/ )
I don't know if there is a reliable cure for this, but i think you're right to get up and do something if you are tossing and turning and await sleepiness before sleeping. It is very common to function well on less sleep while fasting and I think you have to be open to temporarily allowing the 10-6 schedule to be thrown off.
-How can I resist the temptation of food when with people around me, espescially if invited or dragged to dinner/lunch/breakfast?
For me the key has always been coming to a place within myself where the benefits of the fast were even more appealing and exciting than the taste of food.
-Finally, do sniffing a jar of peanut butter directly makes me break my fast >.>
To the best of my knowledge, smelling food does not disrupt our fast :).
All the best,
Mighty Sun