Re: I just found out I have a parasite in the most disturbing please!!!
I looked up orlistat - The Alli weight loss diet and noted it said to use a low fat diet while taking it. Were your instruction different or were you using it for some other reason than weight loss?
What you passed may have been a roundworm but layers coming off may mean that you passed some white plaque - a buildup of tissue like material which coats the intestine.
The source of infection for large beef and pork
Tapeworms is uncooked or undercooked meat (less that 20 min at cooking heat). People also get smaller
Tapeworms from pets, other animals and undercooked fish. Keep your dog out of the bedroom and also find a dog
parasite program. The ova will be in the house dust and bedding and on the dog fur, not usually in the saliva. Sterilize you hands and under fingernails with diluted vodka after using the bathroom, before preparing food or eating (or smoking). Dogs usually carry
Ascaris roundworms also.
parasites are as varied as different types of animals, fish, birds so there is no one treatment although some of the herbal mixtures can kill off many of them.
Since you use tobacco and have intestinal problems be sure that you have been tested for Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Disease. 30% of people with gluten sensitivity are hard core smokers (more than 5 cigs a day and unable to quit).
Good luck! and look at the
parasite Drugs Support Forum for using medications.