Re: I just found out I have a parasite in the most disturbing please!!!
Why take herbicides over medicine? Mho is that you don't need medicine. Also the medical staff prescribing them really don't generally know what they are doing. The stool tests are a good example of this. Many of us have gotten false negatives, then, with paracides, have seen virtualy armies of the little devils coming out into the toilet!
Why do they test just the stool anyway? Again, because they are not really trained in parisitology, tend to pooh pooh the whole thing (because
parasites are sneaky little devils) and think they are rare.
parasites can move away from stools easily, imbed themselves in the intestine & be many places in the body nowhere need the stools.
Yes, you probably have a bunch of tapeworms. And other worms. Ditto everyone you know. But at least you know and are going to do something about it, and there is plenty you can do.
See link below for cayenne pepper challenge test to see if you have tapeworms, for example.
Hulda Clark says everyone she ever lab tested had
Tapeworms & everyone had other kinds of
parasites as well.
What helped me in case any of it can help you: