Re: Diatomaceous Earth - When will it evict the creepy crawlies?
Thanks very much, Loricalady. I envy you your capacity to take all of that - I'm not able to yet and still sleep properly. I took two heaping tsp. of DE for a few days and that caused some major die-off, so I'm having to cut back and start with a lower dose. I can't take the
Wormwood at the same time - it gets too much for my system - I can't sleep and I get very clogged up which I'm normally not. I did recover from my major symptoms before by detoxing slowly, so I'll just have to go slower again than I'd like to. When I introduced my supplements when I was very ill, I had to start with tiny, tiny bits of each one and now I can take large amounts if I need them. Your protocol gives me an idea - to work with small amounts of both the
Wormwood and the DE (and the
Black-Walnut and cloves) and gradually increase amounts. I'll establish the DE and then gradually reintroduce the Clarke herbs.
My NP says that the mercury being dropped by the dead
parasites is a problem for me. He's given me homeopathics for that. Is that what you take the chlorella for?