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Re: Diatomaceous Earth - When will it evict the creepy crawlies?
LoricaLady Views: 43,115
Published: 15 y
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Re: Diatomaceous Earth - When will it evict the creepy crawlies?

Thanks for your kind remarks Dog Rose. All I know is what seems to work well for me, and hope it helps others.

On awakening, with my morning meds, I drink about 8 oz. of homemade Colloidal Silver with about 3/4 of a dropper full of Vitacost Wormwood & Black-Walnut blend tincture, a good shake of cayenne & a shake of peppermint essential oil. It don' taste so good, but I don' care. :-)

About a half our or so later I take DE, about a heaping tsp most mornings on an empty stomach (mixed in with things like a tsp of Yaeyama chlorella powder & other veggie powder). It don' taste so good either! Lol.

The DE drink I do not take every single morning, maybe 5X a week, in case my body needs a rest.

I use cayenne pepper several times a day, and am seeing no "white rice", and check periodically with low (2 cup at a time) enemas to be sure I am passing no more parasites. I feel I do know how to check and am not seeing any. With my recent Liver Flush I also saw no parasites (also only a few stones - got rid of about 2000 in the past over some months) & I used to see some liver flukes then.

Also I wear the zapper daily for an hour each, at least, at the arteries at the elbow and ankle, while at the computer.

When I bought a Sota magnetic pulser recently for 2 nights I was waking up over & over due to itching. Beck said the pulser can flush out things from the lymph glands that zappers & herbals don't reach. What that itching was caused by I don't know, but it went away and the pulsing seems to help me feel more energetic.

Hope that helps.


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