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Re: Then why does it make you feel toxic?nm

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

Saratica Views: 6,043
Published: 15 y
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Re: Then why does it make you feel toxic?nm

At the end of every round you will feel "toxic" if you've taken a high enough dose of the chelator. The trick is to take just enough chelator to dig up the max amount your body can excrete. The reason for doing a frequent low-dose chelation is so that you don't dredge up more mercury at one time than your body can excrete before that mercury moves around.

If you take a high enough dose of either chelator and dredge up more mercury than your body can excrete, you will be left with mercury roaming around your body looking for a place to lodge. Could be your brain, your liver, your heart, your spine... anywhere. To suggest that DMSA might encourage that mercury to go to the brain any more so than ALA is incorrect. It could happen with either.

A good dose is one that leaves you a little flu-y at the end of a round so you feel like something happened, but not sick and not so foggy that you can't get around. When I first started, I would have a day of really foggy at the end. So I cut back a little. I have to work and function!

Anything you can do, inception, to encourage the mercury to leave is good: sweating, sauna, running, weight-lifting, coffee enemas... cleanses are good but might be a little traumatic. Totally depends on how much you can take.

And, yes, some people do a week, then off for a few days. It all depends on how much you can take. Easy does it on this -- that's the whole point of FDC: slow and steady wins the race on this one! Be sure to take at least the same days off that you were on so you fully recover and excrete before stirring up anything more.


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