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Re: NEW ideas for Andy Cutler Protocol! tapering off dosages, lenth of cycles , sweating, etc

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Re: NEW ideas for Andy Cutler Protocol! tapering off dosages, lenth of cycles , sweating, etc

>It could be both. Many people have mercury + copper.

I had very low levels of copper showing on my hair analysis + I feel great when I'm taking vitamin C so for now I am assuming I am fine with the copper balance. I've been taking 50mg zinc a day for the past 6 months which most likely has helped.

>Sounds like it's me writing your post. I did the same thing and almost died 6 months ago. Cilantro + chlorella. Then I found Andy's protocol and have been doing it right since. I am young too... just 18 years old.

Its nice seeing someone who can relate, especially in the same age group. Almost dying from wrong protocol must have really been a scare. Good thing you figured things out in time mate.

>Good. Keep the dosing between 1/8 and 1/2mg/lb

I will keep the dosages between the range. If you don't mind me asking what kinda dosages have you done/doing now?

>Bad idea. Andy says no and it is dangerous.

Really? Damn. I must have missed this. I've read much of his book and have yet to ponder over the subject as of yet.

>1 week cycles are OK. Keep the dose low enough that side effects are tolerable. If the lack of sleep from waking doesn't bother you then it is perfectly fine to do 1 week rounds. If your suffering though, 3 days on is just fine.

The waking at night actually doesn't both me too much so far. I am probably just in the initial happy phase of getting started and it will bother me later. Will try a 1 week cycle next week and see how it goes.

-----This is true that sweating helps reduce extracellular mercury. I wouldn't suggest the sweating route... low doses of DMSA or DMPS work just fine. DMPS is better if you have no lead and can get a Rx for it.

I do have a bit of lead. (0.28ug/g) on max reference range being (0.80ug/g). Not HUGE, but still worth getting out while I'm at it. Will look into DMPS at a later date. If DMSA doesn't cause me any problems I will most likely just stick with it though as I've read to many horror stories from users of DMPS

>We are very similar...both young....both mercury toxic....and both took cilantro/chlorella and hurt ourselves really bad. You are on the right track to good helath. Andy is a really remarkable man who has put a lot of effort into devising the most effective and logical protocol there is. If you haven't been tuna recently and have had no Amalgams it would probably be safe to start ALA. The mercury that is causing the problems is intracellular... DMSA doesn't help for that. What you probably did with the ALA doses and Cilantro was force a bunch of mercury into your brain and that is the problem. A few months of DMSA or DMPS would be OK and then you could add the ALA. You could ask over on the yahoo groups since your situation is different because it is from fish and not amalgams. Good luck bud!

As I said earlier its very refreshing seeing someone who can relate so closely. I'm glad you decided to reply to my post. Definitely a huge inspiration to read positive responses. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions!
- How did you get poisoned?
- How long have you been doing the A/C protocol and what improvements have you seen thus far?
- Did you notice any stunted growth from mercury? (Brothers being taller than you?) I have a brother and hes 6'5 and I'm only 5'11 and have always wondered if the mercury had somethin to do with it.

As for the ALA and cilantro. I was taking HUGE doses of ALA at 300mg only 2 times a day. So yes I probably concentrated it largely in my brain. Felt soooo stupid after reading Andy's book. Mainly because I knew of the A/C protocol and knew about the importance of taking the ALA every 3 hours but I figured since I wasnt taking DMSA it didnt really matter that much because it is just an antioxidant (pretty much what my Naturopath told me). the past, no point in sobbing over it being angry with myself.

Look forward to hearin back! Hope all is well with you as well!


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