Ok...so a few notes to start off the post before I explain my ideas.
- I assume readers have knowledge of what the Andy Cutler protocol is and how it works and for those who don't, heres a good breakdown of the program: http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/
Quick background of myself:
- I am 20 years old.
- I am mercury poisoned.
- Hair Analysis readout: (3.5 ug/g) Reference Range being (<0.80 ug/g). So I'm slightly over 4x the limit according to Doctors Data Laboratories.
- I have never had any Amalgams. I was poisoned in the Summer of 2009 (just over 1 year ago) from excessive tuna consumption. (2 cans+ a day on average)
- I thought I was copper poisoned for a long time (same symptoms), but later found out it was Mercury poisoning.
-Discovered it was mercury in May, 2010 (4 months ago).
-From the beginning of June to the end of July (about 2 months) I was chelating with probably the worst set of supplements possible: ALA (300mg twice daily), Chlorella (6000mg-10,000mg/day), Cilantro (about a handful/day).
- Those of you reading considering using Chlorella or Cilantro -> DONT!!!!!.
- All my symptoms have become far more prominent since doing so. Most likely from concentrating the mercury in my brain/liver from improper protocol.
- I have just started the Andy Cutler protocol. Have done 2 rounds of just DMSA (25mg/dose) 3 days on 3 days off as of Sept 10th, 2010.
Ok so there was my breif introduction so you know where I'm coming from.
Now onto the NEW IDEAS!
IDEA #1 - Tapering Off Dosages at end of cycle. For example doing a 3 day cycle you would do everything normal as per the Andy Cutler Protocol, say 75mg/dose. But the twist would be at the end of the cycle during the last 3 doses would go as follows 75mg/50mg/25mg. My thought process on this is that it would reduce the mercury redistribution at the end of the cycles as it would slowly reduce levels of DMSA in the blood rather than just completely stopping all of a sudden. I would LOVE to hear everyones opinions on this as I've never read about anyone doing this and think it would definitely be worth it over the 50 rounds of chelating.
IDEA #2 - Doing 1 week cycles instead of 3 days cycles. This idea isn't really new as it is listed in Andy's book but I never see anyone actually doing it and was wondering if there is some kind of negative effect of it? In my opinion it would be better because there would be less mercury redistribution because you would only be stopping the DMSA once compared to twice in the same amount of time.
IDEA #3 - Sweating excessively day after ending of a chelating cycle. In this link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1498.html , Andy explains that sweating reduces blood level of mercury. What I was thinking was that the day after finishing a round going for a run with a garbage bag on or going to a sauna would be an excellent idea to get rid of whatever the DMSA left behind in your blood, helping you to recover quicker from the cycles then if you were to do nothing.
So there they are! I would love to hear everyone opinions and if they have ever done any of them and their experiences!
I was trying to be as brief as possible as to not make this post a novel, so if theres anything not explained in enough detail for you let me know and I'll straighten it out!
My main symptoms were:
- Chronic Fatigue (Compared to the previous year it seemed like I had NO energy what so ever)
- Lowered Libido (Also compard to previous year it seemed almost non existant.)
- High estrogen on blood tests for no apparent reason. I have low bodyfat % and was very active.
- Inability to sleep all the way through the night. Would wake up numerous times to urinate.
- Dizzy when I worked out, and also it would take me way longer to recover.
- Inability to love. I had no "love" feeling for any girlfriend I dated.
- Developed Candida.
As for the ALA, which I totally forgot to mention earlier, I do plan on taking it but just later in my detox plan. Possibly after 2 or 3 months of DMSA first. I believe most of the mercury is in my body but I do believe a fair amount has leaked into my brain which has caused the endocrine problems.
Thanks for the tips about calcium/magnesium. I do currently take Magnesium Citrate, should I stop? Also would brushing my teeth with baking soda still be fine?
One last note which I forgot to mention in my first post. My diet is very clean. I eat only grass-fed beef, free range chicken, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. From time to time I will have some grains such as rice and oats but I do try and limit them for the most part.