Re: Strongly advice everybody to check for heavy metals
Andy isn't god !! There are ways to chelate heavy metals without to use his protocol. I have been a member of his Yahoo group for long time and there are contradictory information about his system. I own his book and believe he is one of the best in this matter but not the only one.
I never said he was god. He is a very smart chemist who happens to deal with the scientific aspect of things and how substances work in the human body. I'm not going to go into this debate or tell you what you have to do. If you want to get better and you have mercury toxicity, taking chelators not on the half life or taking things that according to the laws of nature CANNOT chelate mercury will make you extremely sick and probably permanently damaged.
Those who follow his protocol get better.
Those who don't generally get extremely sick.
Anyone who claims anything other than di-thiol's chelate mercury is lying. This means the only chelators are: ALA, DMSA, DMPS. We don't know much about cilantro, how it works or how often to take it so while it is an intracellular chelator it is not to be used at this time until we have a greater understanding of its function.