I am just doing DMSA and kelp. Last week I have tried a product called chelex by xymogen with AlA, DMSA, Chlorella, EDTA, NAC... but it was too much for me. I was feeling great and euphoric on it but too much toxicity after the dose... Mentally it was great. But physically I was feeling like I was going to collapse and I had major major joint pain. I was also feeling sometimes my brain was freezing with huge head pressure. I had also some stabbing pain randomly in my body. Physical symptoms were unbearable and many people like Bgone on this forum advice me to stop. It's way too much too begin with. I stopped after 2 days and I was taking half the recommended dose. Even Andy Cutler do not advice to start with ALA because it crosses the blood brain barrier.
You can do DMSA and kelp for 3 months or more. After you add ALA. Go slowly and very small dose. Follow Andy Cutler protocol to prevent redistribution. The number of rounds required depends of your sensitivity, your excretion rate and your overall toxicity. If you don't see improvements within 10 rounds your problem is elsewhere.