I recommand you to try DMSA. Take not much than 25 mg every 4 hours for 3 days (very important to prevent redistribution). Don't do it too long if you don't want to have a yeast flare-up. I won't worry for serious side effects. My mind is so clear on it. All my blurry vision is gone too. I feel high. It's almost surreal. Feel like on Ritalin. I am so concentrated. I can read for 3 or 4 hours and this was an ordeal for me before. I was ready to paint all my house, clean everyting, think positiveky about future,... It reminds me how I was before. The word that come to my mind is "vitality". Chlorella already gave me the same vitality feeling but to a lesser extent. I am sure it's linked to chelation.
Yes N acetyl cysteine chelate but is way less potent for lead and mercury. If you feel good on it it might indicate heavy metal burden. Someone who has lead or mercury poisoining would probably have to chelate for years on N acetyl cysteine. I am not sure also that NAC is the best thing to prevent redistribution of metal.