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Re: Strongly advice everybody to check for heavy metals
aijian Views: 5,937
Published: 15 y
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Re: Strongly advice everybody to check for heavy metals

I take 25 mg DMSA every 4 hours followed by kelp 30 minutes later to catch up the metals and prevent redistribution. I am grateful to Bgone for this anti-redistribution strategy. Important to wake up during the night because the 4 hour frequency prevents redistribution.
Go on Andy Cutler frequent dosis chelation yahoo group to have more details.

You do it for 3 days and then stop for a week and start again. The goal is to do several rounds. I cannot believe how I feel great. It's like if I was high on something. I am so energetic.

What is crazy is that chelation gave me the worst yeast flare-up in years. My penis was covered with white junk, itchy and I got a lot of diarrhea like when my yeast was flaring-up after months of intensive booze ans sweets 10 years ago. It happened on the end of my day 3 of the first round. But even with the flare-up I feel so great. It means to me that my sick overall feeling was not due to yeast at all. How can I have such a yeast flare-up and feel so well if not?

I did infrafred sauna several months everyday without much success.

I'll keep posting!




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