what about a hemangioma?
A CT scan showed something on my liver that may be a hemangioma, or hepatic adenoma (?), according to the report. Inconclusive though, since they didn't explain anything, and only requested further imaging (which i can't do because of costs, etc). I don't really know what either of those are, but i have been told that a hemangioma is not uncommon, is benign, and believed to be harmless. I have a hard time believing that it doesn't affect liver function at all though (even the CT report says "... oval hypodense mass which does demonstrate mass effect on the surrounding vessels"). Maybe it's the reason i've always had allergies, eczema, and other flare-ups of unknown cause (?). Most recently some kind of eye thing (swelling, itching, rawness, etc, around both eyes, that i can't get rid of or trace to any allergen. and along with a rash on the right side of my face) has been threatening my sanity. I know that prednisone would temporarily get rid of it - since nothing else will - but i'm trying hard to hold off on using it. I might have to though.
Anyways, is it ok to do Clark's liver cleanse with an unidentified mass on my liver? I have done it once before, about a year ago, but with no results at all.
Thanks for reading this run-on inquiry.