I would go raw if i could...but i just cant lose any weight.Im already lacking so many nutrients.Im trying to think what i have eaten in the past couple days that could have triggered the loose stool....beans?blueberries?cake? Hmm maybe the beans.I had eaten 2 bowels of chicken chili yesterday.My GI thinks I have ibs-i agree.However,thats not my only problem as i know i have sibo.Possibly crohns disease.Crohns disease would def make sense of everything right down to the nasuea...but so would sibo.
You got sick from bactrim???My aunt and cousin have been on that several times and didn't get sick from it.That sucks though!
Heres my issue with the candida syndrome-I was diagnosed with +2.Now they tested only one stool sample as far as i know.I had another test done where they tested 3.2 showed some yeast and one didnt.They were taken on seperate days.This just doesnt make sense to me.Yeast shows in everyones stool.So how is the testing accurate?