Re: Perhaps..? an answer..within my faith of Scriptures
(Your second part comment about abortion from my personal current view:)
Abortion in the USA, as a law, is currently allowed within the ‘right to determine’ by the mother…sometimes father within ‘fertility‘s science‘.
I’ve voted, selected, campaigned for political folks to stop abortion, within no medical perils- no rape, in the USA, within my adult life. We should take a stand, within our freedom to vote, working in the political system, for policies of our government and within our personal contact as we walk in the faith of Scriptures where we live. It seems…within politics… they never seriously charge into this issue…but, IMO, leave it ’unsettled’ for the religious folks’ ‘easy votes to get method of campaign politics’. I’ve settled it with God says ..I’ll judge their sincerity…we do what we could do…it is GOD’s JUDGMENT on the politicians‘ sincerity.
… as to my debates?..CZ?.. well.. most of my debates, of late, fall under ‘dust the dirt off your feet’ and move on to others.. since they, the same ones posting, make open statements, over and over, of no faith in The Bible or The God of The Bible. That is their rights under God’s freewill predestinated plan. And my ‘plate’ is full, in large part, as to posting to CZ, caring for my parents-in their eighties-and Mom with Alzheimer’s (very hard to manage daily for several years) and has a new broken hip and my wife’s Mom had a stroke in mid July and she is 600 miles away. And for the first time since the early 1990s I will not be able to go to my second home in Florida, as Mom will not be able to physically make the trip, it seems right now, as I have my own health issues with cold weather here, in the mountains of Virginia. I’m regretful if my post are hard to follow…I’ve had several ‘break-a-ways’ to take care of phone calls and events in front of me or across the street at my parents today. These ‘breaks’ seem to show up within my overall posts as not clear, transparent in spots in my posts. I feel we should share some of our lives, daily stuff, so that all don’t feel we, somehow, are in a perfect life, as .. we have many todos we have to get done and not always with a smile on our face.
And it, abortion, is a personal right to do ‘medically‘ under our law…so..hopefully… some person (s) may see John the Baptist’s soul’s life in the womb, for one meditation among many, and will stop their process, by listening to God’s Council, instead of, another creation‘s not fully knowing or evil caring about The CREATOR’S Council of Life of another.
God does forgive…within the confusion of propaganda of this world flesh human age’s made up wisdom. Repent and sin no more within the process of maturity‘s Wisdom! lucidhunt