Fruits are the standard break in water fasting so it's a good way to break any fast cause they're easily digested contain lots of fiber and water.
No kefir lists the probiotic content. Just do your research. All kefir by it's nature of being a "cultured" product will be probiotic. The cool thing about Kefir is that it contains mutiple strains of probiotics that can actually colonize in your gut and it's not transient like the probiotic culture in yogurt for example. I'm not familiar with the product you mention so I can't comment. Kefir is a natural "whole food" product and not some "isolated" probiotic culture so I personally lean to the Kefir. In addition it is a nice tasty part of my smoothies.
I love hummus and make it regularly but if you make it the traditional way with Tahini, that also contains a good bit of fat for this early stage of the break. Some of the traditional recipes call for adding olive oil. I've posted a recipe in the raw food forum to make raw hummus by sprouting the chickpeas vs cooked. I even make my own Tahini by procesing raw sesame seeds through my Omega juicer