The book is quite vague on many points and it's mainly geared to the 10 day MC. Forums like this and folks sharing their experiences have standarized aspects of the MC that the book barely touches on. One glaring part is where Stanley mentions to only drink water "if desired". The other is regarding the lax tea and SWF which he only recomends "if needed". Through the many shared experiences in forums like this drinking water and doing the tea at night and SWF in the morning have become the standard "optimal" practice. On the same vein as the preceding taking it really easy and extending the break on anything longer than 10 days has become standard "optimal" practice. Your benefical bacteria in your gut is very depleted after 39 days so it's just gonna take longer and you hafta be more judicious about what and for how long your break is.
Avocados are relatively easy on digestion but they still contain a good bit of fat. Again were are talking 4 days post a 39 day fast so the rules are different. Think about adding some of the lighter miso to your broth as that will start putting some of the beneficial bacteria back in your gut.
Rather than beans, wafers, butter at this early stage think fruits. Drink more water, juices, tea to make sure you are well hydrated. Be patient