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Re: Ease out Day 3 (after 39 day cleanse)

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Re: Ease out Day 3 (after 39 day cleanse)

Crackers and specially butter only 3 days after a 39 days fast is too soon. Dairy is particularly difficult for the system to digest even worse if it's magarine and not the real thing. Are you drinking enough water? Very often the feeling of hunger is a more a sign of dehydration so drink water or juice if you feel hungry. You should be on broth and juice and starting to eat some of the cooked veggies of the broth at this point and prolly for another 3 days +/-. You did all this good work, just take it easy and be patient.

Beans are also not easily digested foods. That is one of the reasons they give you gas. There is a old japanase cooking secret that anytime you cook beans you add a piece of Kombu seaweed. This supposedly makes the beans more digestible. My fave legumes are lentils and you don't hafta add much to make them taste good. What I do is saute some onions and garlic in toasted sesame seed oil in the same pot I'll cook the lentils in then add 3 to 1 water to lentils and a piece of kombu. Never add salt at the begining and add it once the beans have softened. Cumin is always a good spice to add to any bean dish. Adding yellow squash when cooking lentils is also a good combo.

One of the ways to make a really healthy, tasty and easy soup is to use Miso. Miso is highly nutritious and being a fermented food also adds healthy probiotics. Just cook up your fave veggies and once cooked turn the heat down and add the miso at the rate of one tsp per 8oz water and let it simmer for a few mins. You must NEVER let Miso boil as it will destroy it's nutritional value. Personally I like the darker Mugi (Barley) miso particularly in colder weather. There is also the lighter rice Misos. To make Miso soups even more nutritious and add lots of minerals and iodine is to add Wakame seaweed. Make sure you rinse and rehydrate well before using it in the soup. The wakame also adds a real nice flavor too. 



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