Re: Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life = *EDIT*
Mira, you are convoluting the entire issue. It's really very simple.
Either you are FOR another woman besides yourself choosing an Abortion if this is what she chooses (Pro-Choice) or you are AGAINST it (Pro-Life)
If you are in favor of leaving the Choice up to her, of getting an Abortion or having a Baby, then you are Pro-Choice.
If you are totally against Abortions then you are *Pro-Life.
It sounds like you don't want to commit to being any of the above, but my guess is that you are Pro-Life.
This is how the definitions are generally known by the public. I doubt you could just go out there and change them.
No need to be Wishy-Washy ;)
*ProLife, as stated above, which is essentially No-Choice.