Greetings Jackie -
I did it! I finished and didn't make you wait any longer...YAY ME!! (and yay-you for such good questions and taking the time to learn enough to ask them). Onward...
You said the ACV Bomb is “something we should all have daily”; will I do this long term? Dr. Christopher recommended (as part of everyone's daily diet) that they should take ACV, blackstrap molasses (or raw/local honey) and cayenne 3x daily. Garlic, of course, is very beneficial in dozens (likely hundreds) of ways. So if you choose to do it 'long term', that would likely be an excellent choice. Is it something you "have" to do to stay healthy? Millions of people are healthy without taking them daily (or ever). Sometime when you've got more time to research & learn, you can 'dig into' the beneficial qualities of these things, mix that knowledge with how your body has responded to them all ...and you & your doctor within will make the decision that's perfect for you :)
How long does apple juice keep if I make it ahead? It will stay drinkable/safe for quite awhile if kept refrigerated in an airtight container (I'd say a week at least, maybe longer). If you're asking so you'll know how far in advance you can juice for the 'bad calcium/kidney stone' flush, then enzymes aren't the issue (since you'll be cooking it and killing the enzymes anyway). So you can definitely juice the 2 quarts you'll need for that cleanse several days in advance (although the enzymes will likely oxidize a bit a turn the juice 'darker' - which is no problem). The reason for the use of apple juice in that formula is the malic acid from the apples (which helps break down hard-mineral deposits), and likely helps extract the 'healing/cleansing goodies' from the herbs.
If I understand you correctly the Herbal Calcium Tincture is the most important but the BF&C is also good for me considering the history. I am guessing that the mentioned Tincture would be the best choice for it? I do no think I have information on the dosage I would take? I would like to see what size I would need so I could look over the cost involved to add this. Most tincture dosages are generally recommended at 2-4 droppersful, 3-4x daily...then adjust up/down as needed. The tincture and tea are both effective (as is the oil for 'massaging in') - the tea isn't very pleasant tasting, and it's time-consuming to make (after it's brewed and strained, it should be 'simmered down' to make a very strong decoction). Here's a LOT of information about the BF&C formula -what each of the herbs do, stories/testimonies, and how to utilize the strong tea effectively:
And this: Using BF&C to restore bones, flesh & cartilage +++
d would not be able to help me but if it can soothe by application alone it might well be worth it! Perhaps I should try this in a sample and see how it works for me before I order the larger size? If I am correct a sample should be about 21 dropperfuls? Do the sample bottles come with droppers? The 1/2 oz bottle is about 3 teaspoons (about 12 droppersful). The BF&C tincture isn't one people usually "feel relief" from taking (even when they take much more) - it's more of a 'gradual restoration & healing' kind of thing.
Yes, the 1/2 oz sample bottles have a lil' tiny dropper (they're very cute :)
(Echinacea tincture) Does it matter when I take it each day? For example on an empty stomach or with meal? 'Doesn't matter (I realize I'm repeating myself and you've already read this, but it bears repeating for anyone that might be reading this for the first time...anything assimilates quicker on an empty stomach). Think of a tincture as a liqueur (it's actually what it is...alcohol imbued & 'flavored' with herbs). Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is the fastest way to get drunk...why?...because the alcohol assimilates faster when there's no food to soak it up. Will the alcohol we drink assimilate eventually even if there's food? You betcha, just not as quickly.
I am still confused by which kidney cleanse instructions I would follow. Page one, “Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days” which is just basically drinking the tea throughout the day. My guess is this would be while juice fasting?
On page two, the “Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program”, and also on the link you sent me that says “5-Day Kidney/Bladder Cleansing Program” it gives detailed instructions for what you should eat and when each of the five days. For Days #2, #3 and #4 you are supposed to juice fast. It gives very specific instructions on what you can drink for example “it is BEST, while on this program NOT to mix fruit and vegetables together.” Should I be following these instructions and not mixing the fruit and vegetable juices?
On Day 5, states I am supposed to break my fast it says “Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program.” If this is the case how do I do this while doing a long term juice fast? I am not sure how long I will be juice fasting but I just wondered.
Dr. Schulzes "5 Day Cleanses" are basically designed & marketed for those with full-time jobs. "Juice fasting" (almost always) overrides any of the 'cleanse instructions' that might conflict. If one is juice-fasting, then continue juice-fasting while doing the cleanses (and don't worry about the diet recommendations). But if not juice-fasting, they are great recommendations to follow.
The 'not mixing fruits & veggies thing' is recommended. The merits (or not) of the "food combining thing" (or "not food combining") is definitely debatable...but that's what he recommends. Have I ever paid any attention to it when I cleansed? nope. Were my cleanses successful? yep. Might they have been more successful if I hadn't combined fruit & veggie juices (or had them at different times of the day that I did)? Anything's possible. If it resonates with you to keep them separate, then do so. If it stresses you (or if you're craving a certain type of juice), I promise I won't tell on you if you mix them! (lol)
I think with everything we are trying if I start to feel better I might not know what to attribute it to the colon cleanse, kidney cleanse etc. I am hoping that is the case, that I have a reduction in symptoms! That said I am not sure if I would know it was the kidney cleanse that did it so perhaps it is best for me to wait to do a 2nd one the next month unless I have problems and need to do the Kidney stone/bad calcium flush. That way I can order a 10-Day now and do the 5-Day and have an extra 5-Day on hand to do with the Kidney stone/bad calcium flush if needed.
That's a good plan! Sometimes when we're doing several things together, we can sense 'what does what'...other times we can't. One of my favorite Schulze 'speeches' (I think it's from his Natural Healing Crusade) is when he tells of being approached by a top-researcher/scientist who said (paraphrased) "I'm really impressed with the methodology and results you're achieving - it's too bad you'll never be published or credited". Schulze "Why is that?" Researcher: "Because with the way you do this 'whole body thing' no one can ever know 'what does what!" Schulze: "Who CARES? People are getting well and living instead of dying!" I love it!
But 'medicine & science' don't "get it" - in the human body, every organ & system is dependent upon ALL the others (and those are all dependent upon the zillions of microorganisms throughout our body, and that's ALL dependent upon getting adequate/correct 'fuel' to run the entire operation...and everything is dependent upon "flow" - no circulation, no life (no matter how much 'fuel' or what kind)...end.of.story.
Sheesh, it's 3rd grade science: "No life form, no matter how small or large, can live without two things: the ability to assimilate nutrition and expel waste effectively.
/bad calcium flush" only if there is a dramatic lessening of urine flow? I am a little nervous that I won’t have any idea if I need to do this or not
Everybody over the age of 30 needs to do this :) Our kidneys 'harden & shrink' a few percentage points every year, until in our 60's & 70's our kidneys are functioning at only 60% (or thereabouts) of the original capacity. And anybody that's ever taken rock-calcium and/or rock-mineral supplements needs it a LOT more! If we have tiny kidney stones (or if the flesh of our kidneys is partially calcified), doing this cleanse along with a kidney cleanse usually results in nothing alarming or dramatic at all...only feeling much better (after peeing a LOT! :). But sometimes when the kidneys are extremely compromised and we start loosening/dissolving the build-up, the 'tubing' is a bit overwhelmed with the debris so it lessens our urine flow. I just like to explain that beforehand so if it happens, folks won't be scared & alarmed. And let people know that this is a sign they need to be a bit more aggressive (rather than backing off out of fear or concern).
After straining/pressing the contents of Jar #1 I refrigerate it, correct? Most people would feel more comfortable refrigerating it, but leaving a quart jar of juice at room temperature for less than 24 hours (after it's just been boiled and has NO microorganisms), would be no cause for concern (that I can think of).
So I need to make sure I am up for 16 hours or I have to wake up to drink the 2oz/hour correct? Technically speaking, you're absolutely's optimal to keep a small, steady stream flowing into the blood to flow through the kidneys.. Realistically speaking...? doesn't usually happen that way, and no harm comes of it. I know one guy that drank it one cup at a time over a period of 8 hours - nothing happened (except he dissolved his kidney stones and had a bit of the runs). If you feel like taking a nap for a few hours, just take a bit extra before your nap, and a bit extra after your nap.
I would do a 2nd Kidney Cleanse with the Kidney Stone - Bad Calcium Flush, correct? Correct.
Liver Cleansing - once you get your bm's regulated and have done 7-10 days of the IF#2, you can start prepping your liver for series of Liver Flushes. The absolute best "prep" for a liver flush is Dr. Schulzes 5 Day Liver Cleanse; Is this your 5 Day Liver Cleanse (Tincture & Tea)? Yes it is.
Sorry I have a lot of questions in regards to the liver. Everybody does! I am really confused about the instructions for the Five Day Liver Prep and the actual Liver Flush. On the link there is “Unyquity's Suggested Flush”, “Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program” and “The full-strength liver/gallbladder flush (The BIG Flush)”. I am not sure if one of these is the prep and one the flush and if I do all three things? I am not sure what each of these are and where they fit into the plan? You said that “Dr. Schulte’s 5 Day Liver Cleanse” was the prep for the liver flush and in the storefront it was called “5 Day Liver Cleanse (Tincture & Tea”.
Can you please help me to understand which is the prep and which is the flush and confirm that all I need to buy is the 5 Day Liver Cleanse (Tincture & Tea)?
The 5-Day cleanse (Tincture and Tea) is a wonderful prep for a liver flush (or a "big" flush, as it's sometimes called...because some people call the 5-Day cleanse a 5-Day flush). There are MANY different recipes throughout the world for "Liver flushing" (or gallbladder flushing, as it's sometimes called). Many people have NO idea that a 'big' liver flush will be much more effective if we loosen up all the debris with a smaller/gentler cleanse (and other things, like CE's, castor oil packs, bitter herbs on the tongue, and foot reflexology, etc.). One of the most popular liver flushes uses strong doses of Epsom Salts, and another uses phosphoric acid (so strong it degrades tooth enamel & bones). Read through the following posts (in order) and you'll understand a LOT more about liver flushing and how it works: What is the BEST liver flush? LIVER FLUSH 101 [posted by Unyquity] Big liver flush every two weeks, no prepping OR do some prepping every day and then a big flush every two weeks? [Post by Unyquity] Liver Flushing - Orthophosphoric Acid - Epsom Salts (from PM)
On this link you said “I always keep a jar of ginger juice in the freezer” I think this would be great for me to do for both the liver and my nausea issues. You said “ You can just throw a big 'thumb sized' piece of ginger root in the blender with the olive oil, but you'll want to strain out the pulp (so be sure to add extra oil for that which will stay in the blender and that ends up in the pulp)”,is this still the best way? Would I grate the outside of the ginger off before I add it? You said “strain the pulp”, I am wondering if my blender will just mush all of this up and if I would be able to strain the pulp? If it is in a jar frozen when you need it do you defrost the whole jar and then refreeze it all? Even if you peel the ginger root, it's still fibrous (pulpy) when macerated. You certainly don't have to strain it out (I didn't the first time). But the 5-day cleanse drink (and the oil/citrus for the liver flush) can be tough to 'get down' for some...and ginger root fiber made it too 'thick & chunky' for me to ingest comfortably. That's why I like the ginger juice best.
I don't typically thaw the entire jar, I just run it under hot water (or put it in a pan of hot water), until a couple of tablespoons is thawed...then I drain that off and put the jar back in the freezer. If the entire contents thaws, I refreeze it.
Questions from the link on the Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program
For breakfast I drink the Morning Drink (Liver & Gallbladder Flush. They give different juices for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. For me I am guessing it is still summer since it is 90 degrees in Florida, correct? There two thought-trains here...1) local vine/tree-ripened fruit 'in season' is always healthier 'in general' than produce shipped across the country/world. 2) Citrus juices (basically the 'sour ones'...lemon, lime, grapefruit) are said to cause the gallbladder to contract a bit (hence expel it's contents, yay). Apple juice is loaded with malic acid, which helps to soften & break down the hardened bile, gallstones and liver stones & debris. Most liver flush 'recipes' call for drinking apple juice (or apple cider or acv) for 5 days before the 'big flush' for the malic acid...but since you'll be having the ACV Bomb 3x daily, you should be getting plenty of malic acid. The oil, garlic & ginger in the morning flush drink ALL increase the flow of bile; since you're getting malic acid from the daily ACV, the juice in this drink is basically a 'method of delivery' for the oil-ginger-garlic. SO (once again), the choice is yours!
It says “Consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gallbladder - Anti-Parasite tonic 4 times daily during this cleanse. Take in a few ounces of water. It should be quite bitter.”
I see your notes that this is not the best way to do it, I think I would put it my tongue as you instructed previously with the Liver/GB tincture, correct?
You want to take the larger doses of the Liver/GB tincture in water AND put several drops directly on your tongue (for the bitter effect) several times daily. The Liver/GB tincture has many benefits to the liver (not only the 'bitters action'), so you want to be sure to take the internal doses. Here's more information about the Liver/GB tincture: Dr. Schulze’s Liver/Gallbladder and Anti-Parasite (Tincture) Tonic Formula Also note - a 2 oz bottle (which is what comes in the 5-day Liver Cleanse package) is enough for 16 droppersful daily for 5 days - 4 droppersful 4x daily is a much healthier/effective dose that just 2 droppersful 4x daily.
I have compared the 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program and the Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program for Kidney (again I am still confused about which I am doing when) and they are very similar. You suggested that I start the liver prep 7-10 days onto IF#2 and the Kidney Cleanse right when I started IF#2 but I was not sure if you would do both of these together since they were similar or if it is too confusing/conflicting? I don't normally suggest overlapping the kidney and liver cleanses (unless there's a serious need to cleanse both organs simultaneously 'right now'). Start with the 5-day kidney cleanse, give yourself a break for a day or two, then start the 5-day liver cleanse...and then do a big liver flush on the 6th (or 7th) day.
If I do not do them at the same time is it okay if the Kidney and Liver Flushes overlap? If I had to do a 2nd Kidney Cleanse it seems it would run into the start of the Liver Prep? If they do overlap I am wondering how you would do the teas and breakfast drinks since they are different (this would be my same question if you did the Kidney and Liver together) If you do not do them together and they should not overlap would I postpone my liver prep until I had completed the kidney if I need to do the Kidney Stone - Bad Calcium Flush and the 2nd kidney flush with it? 5 days on kidneys, two days off. 6 days on liver, twp days off. 5 days on kidneys, two days off. 6 days on liver, two days off = 30 days. No overlapping necessary. If you're thrown off schedule for some reason or another, just pick up where you left off.
When I compared the instructions for both, the drink you have within 1 hour of waking are different. With both you drink tea 15 minutes after the morning drink but I assume the teas are different? Totally different herbs, with a totally different purpose :) With the liver you are adding in the increase in Liver/GB tincture. But, what you eat/drink for the 5-days is the exact same. So if I do these together can you explain how I would do the teas and the morning drinks? Let's review the "Uny Notes" on the 5-day liver cleanse (from the FAQ):
Notes about the 5-day Liver Cleanse instructions:
--In the morning liver-cleanse drink, you'll see that you add 1T of oil and 1 clove of garlic each day. There are some people (me included) that simply cannot ingest more that 2-3 cloves of garlic at any one time. It will NOT "ruin the cleanse" if you can only take 1-2 cloves of garlic each 'drink'...and you can add (and I highly recommend adding) extra ginger root.
--You can make the Liver Tea using the same instructions as the Kidney tea (but you do NOT have to macerate the herbs)
--You do not "have" to do the 3-day juice fast in the middle of the 5 day cleanse, but it's beneficial.
--Dr. Schulze suggests adding the Liver/GB tincture to the Liver Tea...and this is NOT the most effective way to use the tincture. Anything 'bitter' triggers the liver to produce/release bile, and the Liver/GB tincture is VERY bitter. So rather than mixing it with the yummy spice tea (and ruining the taste of the tea, and diluting the bitter tincture), it's far more effective to mix the tincture dose with a 'gulp's worth' of water and have it separately. Here more info about that tincture:
--Because of this 'bitter prinicple', getting an extra 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture is highly recommended. That way, 5x a day (after taking the IF#2 is a good time), you can put 5 single drops of the liver tincture directly on your tongue to stimulate bile flow. This is very beneficial to the cleansing process and outcome of the next flush. [A 2oz bottle will last 2-3 months using it as above]
--The Liver/Detox/Digestive tea is based on an ancient Indian digestive remedy. It doesn't have a strong effect on the liver proper, but helps IMMENSELY with all the "urpy-burpy-ness" we all experience when cleansing the liver. It's also a very welcome substitute for coffee :) You do not have to follow "dosage recommendations" (you may have as much or as little as you prefer)
This Liver Plan, as with the Kidney Plan, gives detailed instructions for what you should eat and when each of the five days. For Days #2, #3 and #4 you are supposed to juice fast. It gives very specific instructions on what you can drink for example “it is BEST, while on this program NOT to mix fruit and vegetables together.” Should I be following these instructions and not mixing the fruit and vegetable juices? Same answer as above :)
Also on Day 5, states I am supposed to break my fast it says “Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program.” If this is the case (like with the Kidney) how do I do this while juice fasting? As above, if juice-fasting, just continue juice-fasting :)
On this link you also said “Anyone that doesn't do some type of parasite cleanse before flushing their liver is asking for trouble.” I believe I am starting my parasite cleanse when I begin the IF#2. If I am starting the liver prep 7-10 days into the IF#2 and then the Liver Flush six days later, is that long enough of a parasite cleanse to begin on the liver? Yes - absolutely! Don't forget, the Cayenne, Garlic, & ACV in the ACV Bomb are also anti-parasite herbs...and there's a low dose of Wormwood (another anti-parasite) in the Liver/GB tincture.
If this is correct I am wondering about the juice fast. I am not sure how long I will be able to do the fast. In the instructions for Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program Days #2, #3 and #4 suggest juice fasting but I see a note from you that says “You do not "have" to do the 3-day juice fast in the middle of the 5 day cleanse, but it's beneficial.” If you're juice-fasting while doing the cleanses, great. If you're not, try your best to follow the diet & juice-fasts suggested in the "5 day cleanse instructions"
When would you expect I would do my next Liver Prep and how often would I do the preps? Just wondering if I should get the 10-day now or if I could wait. Below you said “It takes most people a 'series' of liver flushes to adequately cleanse their liver - so you'll likely be working on your liver (on & off) for at least 4-5 months" but you said that I might not do a prep every time I do a flush. I suggest the '30 day schedule' above (kidney, liver, kidney liver, with 2 days off between each). The first 30 days, I suggest prepping the 'big flushes' with the 5-day cleanse. After that you'll have a LOT more knowledge, insight & discernment...and you can 'check in & touch base' and we'll take it from there :)
On the link for “Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program” it says to “consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gallbladder - Anti-Parasite tonic 4 times daily during this cleanse”. Also, below you said “so you'll likely be working on your liver (on & off) for at least 4-5 months…. so I suggest 5x daily (3x daily minimum)” Does that mean while I am doing the “5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program” I consume the Liver/GB tincture at 2 droppersful 4x/day and then after I would return to “5 drops of the tincture on your tongue 5 times a day”? As above, use the entire 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture during the 5-day liver cleanse, and do the 'tongue drops' every day (whether cleansing/flushing or not). The only day you would do the 'tongue drops' are the day of the 'big flush' (because on that day, we try to 'save up bile' for it all to be released when we drink the oil/citrus.
You mention later that “The Liver Tincture needs to be taken by itself because of the "bitters action" and you also say “it would be a good idea to do a few drops before every meal.”, I am trying to figure out where to fit this in with everything else. As above :)
I am still working on my daily schedule but I think 1 hour before my morning nutritional drink I was planning to take IF#2 and the Parasite Herbs, ½ hour before lunch and dinner I was planning to take IF#2 and the ACV Bomb, between lunch & dinner (and also between dinner and bed) I was taking IF#2 and parasite Herbs. So I am not sure where to fit this in each day. Maybe it would be better to decide when I get the whole daily schedule laid out? I'm sure EVERYONE will agree with me on this...we all make that first schedule, and it RARELY works out the way we have it planned to work out before we start actually doing it. Make your basic schedule and plan on doing a LOT of adjusting the first couple of weeks...and then you'll fit in here quite nicely! :)
Is there a schedule I should follow in regards to when to do the liver flushes or a way to know when I need to do one? How will I know when my liver is adequately cleansed? I know this'll sound like a scratched record, but "Progress is a Process"...and that's never more true than with liver flushing. Rule of thumb - do a big flush every two weeks until the amount of debris that's expelled is consistently less than the flushes before. Many times it takes 2-3 flushes before things really open up and start 'flushing out' - other people have 'enornous flushes' the very first flush (typically because their gallbladder is 'fully loaded') and then it takes a couple-three more flushes before they start seeing the older/deeper liver debris & stones. This is VERY individual (with tons of variables). Once you gain a bit of 'mileage', you'll be able to discern (rather clearly) how your liver is doing. The stethoscope is an invaluable tool for helping determine this: Listen to your Liver - STETHOSCOPE TUTORIAL [posted by Unyquity]
Oh yeah, of course, there's bound to be some dips in the "steady upward trend" (as well as some 'die off' and 'urpy-burpy' as you kill overgrowths and stir up decades old crud)...but you're going to have charcoal & bentonite to sop up the poisons (and some of the gas); IF#1 to keep things moving; Slippery Elm to soothe; Cayenne to keep the blood flowing, Lady's Slipper to help you sleep; Ashwagandha to help your body adapt (it's also an anti-inflammatory amongst other things) and St. John's to help you see that healing light at the end of the tunnel! Ample pure water to hydrate you and keep things 'liquid'; coffee enemas to help your liver SO much (yer libber is gonna lub you for those); EFT to soothe and heal your emotions (and relieve pain of all kinds); Superfood, juices, broths, & kefirs to provide an extravaganza of nutrition to your body...and all kinds of other "goodness" to support the process. Well when you put it like that…it sounds like you have created a very well rounded plan! Actually, all I did was study a lot of great natural healers, compare and contrast, throw out the individual 'quirks' and pretend the top three were sitting around a table and putting it all together. I'll take credit for doing that, but it's Schulze/Christopher/Gerson that created the plan...and yes, it IS very well rounded :)
Except for the liver one, can all the tinctures be mixed with juice or water for taste? For example the Echinacea, and Herbal Calcium Tincture? I am not sure if they all taste bad? Yes, they can all be mixed...but before you start 'mixing', please take a few days to "get to know them all" :) The only time we don't "mix" is when the tinctures have opposing action (for example, don't take a tincture that contains natural caffeine at the same time you take a calming/sedative herb). It's all nicely logical.
The links to the chapters are not working.
Well dang it, the site owner has "updated" the site and I can't find them, however there's a replacement article - here's a link to the .pdf file I just uploaded: Protein, Juicing, Gerson
[Water_01 posted the info in the 3 links below earlier for you] I should be able to find those three chapters on "The Wayback Machine" (likely one of THE biggest blessings on the internet). And I just did, and the links are below! (These are the 'cached copies' - even though they appear to be real web pages, they're no longer actually 'live' on the internet. The Wayback Machine makes copies of almost everything on the internet, and stores copies of them).
That sounds like plenty to me. With the Wheat Germ oil how do you take it? Just drink it straight (sounds yucky) or mix? I am going to continue with my fish oil supplements. Addressed earlier. For the olive oil when you are not doing liver cleansing I do not think I would need to add additional, right? right Especially if I am eating raw I would use it on my salads and such. exactly.
And when you see the lil' surprise in your box, you're not hardly going to be able to wait until you can 'use it'. Hmmmm, the lil' surprise? Yep, I just LOVE surpises.
Thank you very much for checking the database, I appreciate it. As I said I hope to stay away from everything but it is good to know just in case. The main things to check would be Imitrex, Percocet (in case the headache gets really bad). Phernergan and Zofran (in case the nausea is very bad) You're welcome! PM me your email address and I'll send the Word file I've compiled for you (likely tomorrow, because I have a few more notes to add before I send it).
How would I utilize the clay for soaking the produce? You said it is easier to mix my own, would I mix it first and then use as a produce wash? Yes - boil a quart of distilled water and put 3/4 of it in the blender, then start adding bentonite clay by the tablespoon until it looks like pancake batter (it generally gets a bit thicker after you stop, so then blend in the rest of the water). Pour it all back into the quart jar for later use. I usually use 1/4-1/2 cup of the 'bentonite slurry' to about 10 gallons of water (I have big stock-pot that I dump my produce in --on the front porch-- then I fill it with water and add the clay, mix it around with my hand, and let it sit for 4-6 hours. Then dump the water and wash the produce as you normally would. That's all there is to it. Well, except for taste-testing. If you get grapes (they have the biggest difference in taste to me), then be sure to eat a handful of them before you've 'detoxed them' and pay close attention to how they taste. Then have another handful after you've 'detoxed them'...the difference can be phenomenal.
If I am out and use the tincture with a migraine should I be concerned with the alcohol since I am taking so much? I know the first few times I need to test when I am home to see if I have any effects. Just wondering your thoughts and what my alcohol level might be? Since I am out I cannot splash with the boiling water I was wondering. If it were me, I'd have the bit of extra alcohol over a migraine ANY day :)
Also, I am taking a lot of tinctures with alcohol during the day so perhaps it is best for me to do the boiling water thing with them all when I am home because I do not want to get too tired? Here's what I suggest. Make your first dose in advance (so it can cool down). Then when you've taken that dose, immediately mix another dose and splash that one with boiling water...and let it set on the counter to cool and evaporate. Then that one will be ready for you whenever you want to take it. And when you do take it, make your next dose in advance, etc. That way, each dose will not only have the 'boiling water evaporation', but it will also evaporate out more alcohol while it's sitting for hours on the counter.
In regards to castor oil I realize it is important but I do want to take some time and read through everything and then format my questions for you. Is this anything I would need to start right away or can it wait? At least until my liver flushes right? This would give me a bit to look it all over and do another post to you about it. That'll work - but you definitely need it for the liver work...and you just might find that castor oil on the back of your head/neck (medulla/occipital region) bring great relief for migraines AND nausea. Castor oil is known as Palma Christi/Christa in many countries (the hand of Christ) - it's action is almost a complete mystery - but it 'works like crazy' (and is probably THE most underestimated healing therapy in the world).
Willow mentioned to me that she uses B&B tincture as a sleep aide. Can you tell me a little about this and if you think I should try it as well as the Lady's Slipper? If possible, I think it might be good to have more than one sleep thing to try. That way I can try and stay away from the pharmaceuticals and the melatonin. Sorry to ask another question but I wanted to get your thoughts before I ordered. I saw this question while I was researching the medulla/occipital - colon/migraine issues, and I just smiled and smiled to myself "She has no IDEA how much I'm now going to recommend B& I'm glad she's 'predisposed' already!".
Dr. Christopher was 'given' the B&B formula for a young teen with extreme neuro issues & epilepsy. He used it for anything & everything that had to do with healing any type of neurological, medulla or inner-ear issues. Although I currently feel that the cause of the migraines is likely colon-based, I also know that migraines since you were 10 years old probably means that we've got a bit of 'healing & restoration' to do on the occipital/medulla region. And B&B (tincture orally and in the earls, and the oil massaged into the base of the skull) is likely to go a LONG way toward replenishing, 'refeeding' and healing that region...and yes, you should definitely give it a try as a "sleep assist", too. Here's a file on B&B: Dr. Christopher B&B ~!~ INFO BOMB ~!~
Can you send me information/links on ones you would recommend? (guess this makes two questions!) To distill the amount of water I need to consume each day is it something that needs to run all day? Just wondering about the time so I would know if I need to find a way to keep it on the counter or if the floor would work as you mention. I think you also said they give off a lot of heat? Perhaps keeping it in my bedroom or even the bathroom (if that is not too, I will have to look into it all. Check User IDs: telluride and Anne_33 - they both got the same kind of distillers and they both like them (but I don't remember what kind it was and I've never owned a distiller, so I don't have a recommendation or suggestion).
I am working on a daily plan and schedule of sorts. If you would not mind, I would like you to look it over and give me your input. I am very confused about when and how to take all of this stuff since there is so much each day. Right now it is in Excel. Do I need to create a way to post it on the forum? The only way I know of to 'post it' is to take a "screen shot" and upload it as an image. When I send you the herb/drug interaction file you'll have my email address, and you can send me your schedule and I'll check it out (I'm sure it's fine already though :)
B&B-Willow mentioned to me that she uses B&B tincture as a sleep aide. Can you tell me a little about this and if you think I should try it as well as the Lady's Slipper? If possible, I think it might be good to have more than one sleep thing to try. That way I can try and stay away from the pharmaceuticals and the melatonin. Agreed/above. Oh yes, the internal dosage for using it to restore the medulla/occipital region would be 2-4 droppersful 3-4x daily. 10 drops in each ear nightly (less than one dropperful daily). And you'd need garlic oil (which we have, or you can make your own) - a 2oz bottle will be plenty (4-6 drops in each ear before the 10 drops of B&B).. You could get B&B tea and make it similar to the BF&C and use that as a nightly compress on the medulla, or get the oil and massage it in. OR, you could wait on the B&B (except as a sleep aid) until you see how everything else is going to work out.
Could you please pass my note from the previous post titled “One Question to Add” to the person who was so kind to give me the gift? I would appreciate it. The person saw it within a day or less of you posting it :)
Ashwagandha- Does this get taken on an empty stomach? Perhaps ½ hour before meals? That will work - you can take it anytime (I usually take mine before bed...and randomly throughout the day if I feel I need it).
How will I know if I need to increase? With so much going on with my physically and taking so much I am not sure how to judge my need to increase certain things. I do not know if I start to feel better how I will know what to attribute it to. Hopefully that makes sense. Yes, you will have a lot going on, but not much actually with what this herb does. Ashwagandha is for adrenal & thyroid balancing and support (it also helps with sleep issues and depression, amongst other things). If you have cessation or improvement in these issues, then you'll know it's an herb that's working - if you want more improvement, you take more. If you don't know, you take more and see how that works/feels. You'll get the hang of it, I promise!
Lady’s Slipper-Perhaps I should start with a sample first and see how it would affect me? I think from Willow’s post I might be able to try it at least twice. If it works well then I could order it. That'll work - I do want to point out that although 1 teaspoon generally works for me, there have been times I've taken an extra teaspoon because one just didn't quite 'get me there'. We're all different, and we each are different daily.
On a side note, Willow mentioned in her post to me that samples are not for healing benefit but for trial. I want you to know I do realize this and any place I have asked you about a sample is just for that purpose. There are a few items that I am not sure how it will affect me or if it will be helpful. In those cases I am wondering if I should start with a sample and then once I see how it works for me I can order it. I am placing quite a large order and I am just wondering on a few items if doing a sample first would be better so I do not waste money in case it does not work. Hopefully this is not a problem. I certainly will order it if the item works for me. I have no problem ordering items that make me feel better you can count on that! I appreciate you sharing, and it's not a problem at ALL! :)
Dr. Schulzes Brain Formula-I am trying to decide if I should just try this now for my migraines only and then I can see after I do some of the cleanses and such if I still need to take this daily for my memory? As we have discussed I do not want to start too many things in the hope that I will not need them after some of the cleanses are done. Maybe I should start with the 2oz size which would give me about 16 of the 5 droppersfuls doses for migraines. What do you think? I think that's a great plan!
Juice-How would I know what vitamin, nutrient, or mineral I need to bolster? Are there ways to figure it out or suggestions you might have? With the juices, Superfood, broth and tinctures, I honestly doubt there's any you "need to bolster". Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" :) You're going to be assimilating a TON of nutrients daily (via all of the above), and it won't be long before you're assimilating even more (once you start getting rid of the candida, all the junk in your colon, and start rebalancing/replenishing your intestinal flora). If you sense you have a need for more of any particular nutrient, just let me know and we'll see what we can figure out. Remember, we're not using nutrients to force the body into any specific action - what we're doing is restoring all the organs & systems so they can function properly and assimilate adequately...while giving the body boatloads of ultra-premium high grade nutrition to fuel the process. What this means is that each & every day your body is going to assimilate, utilize and 'balance' itself FAR better than it did the day before (likely for decades)..and that our body is much better at this 'balancing' than we could ever be.
Herbal Calcium Tincture- Does it matter when I take this during the day? On an empty stomach or with meal? Nope.
Deep Tissue Repair Oil- Perhaps I should try this in a sample and see how it works for me before I order the larger size? If it does work on my muscles then I would certainly order. That'll work (actually a 1/2 ounce is more than enough for a good test). Methinks you're going to love it!
Coffee Enema-I have Calphlon Cookware which I believe is stainless steel. Should I get a less expensive pot for doing the enemas? A quick search shows me there's stainless (that looks like polished metal) and non-stick (which is coated). If it's stainless, it's fine. Non-stick should be sold or thrown away (it's VERY toxic). If it's not stainless, you need stainless, glass, or enamel coating.
Should I start right away doing them daily? yes
Do you know how long the 5lb bag of coffee will last? yes. do I pass? :)
I guess you probably get this question a lot but is the plastic bucket okay or should I get one different than plastic? The plastic bucket is fine.
Should I get the bucket hanger as well? We made ours out of a wire hanger, but those look really nifty and versatile.
And now you should have all your questions answered, and this is the official conclusion of this post. YAY for us!!!
Healthiest of blessings -
Coffee from S.A. Wilsons
4T daily (35.2gr) daily x 30.5 = 1073.6 grams (454 grams in a pound) = 2.36 pounds for 1 month
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