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Dr. Christopher B&B ~!~ INFO BOMB ~!~

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Dr. Christopher B&B ~!~ INFO BOMB ~!~

B&B Tincture

This information is compiled from my original CD "The Complete Works of Dr. Christopher".  Everything here is just as it's presented by Dr. Christopher, along with testimonies from him, other practitioners and those that were sent & published in his newsletters. Any information in [blue brackets] throughout the information is my addition.

Absolutely, THE most important thing to remember when reading this, is that Dr. Christopher NEVER "spot treated" anybody for a specific illness or symptoms (although some have treated themselves this way). Every patient of Dr. Christopher was treating their entire body...they were juicing, juice-fasting, or doing his '3 days cleanses/juice fasts' along with the Mucusless Diet. They were cleansing & healing their bowel/intestines (always ensuring 3 bms daily); working on their liver/kidneys/heart as needed; ensuring adequate "flow" & circulation throughout their body, getting adequate sunlight/barefooting, etc., OR doing his full "IP". And they were doing 'whatever else' he recommended for their specific symptom.   While it may be possible to achieve the "cures" below by ONLY using the B&B, that is not something I suggest (as you may just end up wasting your time & money to not get the cure you want, and end up being frustrated & disappointed), but then again - you might end up with the healing you desire. 

This post/document is dedicated to information regarding B&B...which has also been called: 'Hearing Loss & Earache Formula'. Please pardon all the random numbers in brackets (they are links on the CD that lead back to other information, and I didn't have the time to edit them all out).


It has never failed to frustrate me when going through Dr. Christopher's works & literature that his listed "drop-sized tincture doses" are SO small (compared to Dr. Schulzes reports that the old time herbalists used teaspoon+ size doses)...and we know Dr. Schulze "ramped it up" to make up for bodies being far more compromised than in Dr. Christopher's time.

I finally figgered it out! (YAY ME!)  I was just looking through The School of Natural Healing and saw this:

Tincture  30-60 drops (1/2 - 1 fluid teaspoon) 3-4 times daily (this is the dosage he recommended for Burdock tincture...but check out the "drops = teaspoons", which is consistent throughout his writings).  I never noticed before that the amount of drops is totally inconsistent with the "drops = teaspoons" of our current drops/dropper size.

WHOA! today's "drops & dropperfuls", 30 drops = equals a scant 1/4 of a teaspoon, NOT 1/2 a teaspoon (1 dropperful is approximately 30 drops with our current droppers).  Dr. Christopher (apparently) had MUCH larger "droppers" that yielded MUCH larger "drops". 

One teaspoon (out of our current droppers) is FOUR DROPPERSFUL...which is 120 drops, not 60 drops.

SO, whenever we see Dr. Christopher's recommended dosage and it's written "by drops". we need to use TWO drops to equal his original dose recommendation (and almost always, we need to 'ramp it up', per Dr. Schulze).

The beginnings & "creation" of B&B Tincture:
After nearly forty years of helping people regain their health, I was quite upset a number of years ago (over ten years ago) by a case that did not respond to our program, as others had done in the past. This was a case of epileptic seizures. It was late in the evening and I had sent a young boy (12 to 14 years old) back to their motel after treating him. I was confused, and the first time really baffled on an epileptic case. I sat back of my desk, alone in the office and asked, through prayer, for help for this fine young chap. I explained, in my prayers for help, about my utter confusion. Then the "idea" for this "nerve formula" came to my mind, and I went out into the herb lab and put the tincture together. When the tincture was finished in two weeks, I had the young man back, put it into his ears, preceding it with the oily garlic (to kill infection with garlic's natural sulphur base). Then I massaged his neck area at the base of the skull and gave him six to ten drops of this same nerve tincture in a little distilled water--to drink, three or more times a day.
          Results came rapidly and they took the boy back home to Arizona. One of the other children in the family had an earache later so the mother used this same tincture (preceded by the oil of garlic) with success, the ear healing quickly. An elderly gentleman with hearing aids in both ears, progressively getting more and more deaf, saw the earache cleared and decided to try it in his ears. After a number of months he threw away his hearing aids. Since that time many people have had their hearing restored, even though they were told there was no known help. Of course there are some cases where the "loss" is complete, and it is too late.
          One day I sat down, years later, to find out why this amazing tincture could do these things: stop long range hiccupping, remove warts, aid in other nervous disorders, etc. As I analyzed the different herbs and checked out old herbal books, I found that blue cohosh, black cohosh and blue vervain are specific herbs to nourish and rebuild the nerves in the motor-nerve area in the medulla and upper cervical areas. The scullcap is one of the greatest nerve herbs known to strengthen, repair and rebuild the spinal cord. The lobelia is an antispasmodic (the catalyst and thinking herb) as well as being a great nerve herb food! Here I was given a precious group of herbs to be used as food to rebuild a shattered motor nervous system, and to also get the spinal cord into a healthy condition to relay the healing messages to various parts of the body. [NL 1-6]

Ingredients: consists of black cohosh, blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap and lobelia.  [Dr. Schulze added Skunk Cabbage if needed as an antispasmodic...for any type of seizures, epilepsy, or 'twitches & tics']
--Ear infection, epilepsy, vertigo, to aid M.S, swimmers ear,, stop hiccups and is great to use by drops in the ear with oil of garlic to clear up earaches, and has even restored hearing in some cases.   Helps in cases of motor nerve injury, epilepsy, hearing loss, warts and tonsillitis.

--used to aid in nervous conditions, sore throat, hiccups, restore malfunctioning motor nerves, assist in adjusting poor equilibrium and hearing, and a great blessing to epileptics. Massage into the medulla (base of skull), and upper cervicals, follow instructions in formula No. 14 [which is the garlic oil/B&B in the ear protocol ], and take six to ten drops in a little water or juice two or three times a day.
--This is beneficial to have on hand at all times for hiccoughs, earaches, ringing in ears, etc.
Noises in the Ear -- There are some people who experience ringing, clicking, or blowing sounds in the ear.  This is indicative of an ear disorder.  This occurs for many reasons.  There may be damage to the acoustic nerve.  The eustachian tube may be too open in the case of rushing air noises.  Clicking could be a result of palatal muscle contractions.  Ringing in the ears and vertigo may be due to a disorder in the inner ear.  It can be a very devastating thing to feel as though the room was spinning.  Treat these ailments with the B and B tincture following the oil of garlic.  Stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, salt, aspirin, quinine, should be avoided.  The mucusless diet should be strictly observed.
1.       Ear Infection: If your baby gets an ear infection, try home remedies before you take him or her to the doctor. Two drops of garlic oil followed by two drops of tincture of lobelia or Dr. Christopher's B&B tincture, plugged with a bit of cotton, often removes the pain and the congestion. You can rub the lymph glands below the ears with the same preparations, or with oil of mullein and lobelia. Ear infections can be a result of a systemic infection, or they can point to dietary problems, either allergies or too many mucus-forming foods in the other. Examine your own condition carefully when your baby gets sick. If the infection remains acute, take the baby to a doctor you trust. Even if you do not purchase the prescription he offers, he will be able to tell you the exact condition of the ears. Some parents have purchased earscopes with which they can examine their own children's ears.[EWH p.105]
2.       Epilepsy: Putting it into the ears, giving it internally, massaging the back of the neck. [NL 5-10]
3.       Vertigo may result from disease of the middle ear (Menere's disease), from cardiac, gastric, or ocular disorders, from some peripheral irritations (as laryngeal vertigo) as a precursor on an epileptic fit, in hysteria, from toxemia (as Bright's disease), from an organic brain disease, and from unrecognized causes (essential vertigo).
Below are the original dosage instructions:

(remembering this from above: SO, whenever we see Dr. Christopher's recommended dosage and it's written "by drops". we need to use TWO drops to equal his original dose recommendation (and almost always, we need to 'ramp it up', per Dr. Schulze).  So we should (at the very minimum) double the dosages below to get the same effect.

Use B & B Tincture as follows: place four to six drops of oil of garlic in the ear with our eyedropper and follow this with four to six drops of B & B in ear, then plug ear with cotton. Turn the other ear up and do the same as with first ear-plug this one also and leave in all night, or night and day if desired, and flush ears on the seventh day. This is done by using a small ear syringe and flush with warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water (half and half) then continue on. Apply garlic oil and B & B tincture this same way week after week until desired effects are acquired.
Have the patient drink six to ten drops of the B & B tincture three or more times a day. (This could be done each hour in severe cases.) Massage B & B tincture on the cords back of the ears down the neck area and on the base of the skull (medulla area) several times a day. [NL 1-12]
4.       Hearing Loss: We generally put four to six drops of oil of garlic into the ears first (with an eye dropper) then follow this with four to six drops of this special nerve tincture (more or less according to the size of the ear, that is, age of patient). It is best to do this procedure at night, plugging the ears with cotton and leaving it in all night, removing the cotton the next morning. Do this routine six days a week and on the seventh day of each week flush out the ears with a small ear syringe. The liquid used (to flush) is warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water--half and half. Use a small ear syringe (most drug stores carry them) but do not use heavy pressure, just an easy rinse. This program is done week after week until results are obtained. With some folks we have seen the hearing restored and hearing aids discarded in just a few months. In other cases, this program must be followed for far longer periods of time before results are noticed. No two people heal alike, so be patient and follow instructions, then see what happens! [NL 3-2]
1.       M.S.: Don is in his middle 30's and has had Multiple Sclerosis for approximately 10 years. He has been through the whole gambit of the medical field to ease his condition but to no avail. Don was always a very active person and to be stricken in the prime of life to a crutch and many times a hospital bed was his heaviest burden. In February of this year I started working with him after some study in natural healing which included Dr. Christopher's book "The Incurables." Don and I decided on a modified program as outlined in the book. He received twice a week treatments of B & B tincture rubbed into the spine and nape of the neck, foot reflexology, total body deep massage and meridian stroking. Daily he gave himself a garlic and catnip enema, a dry brush massage, and at night B & B tincture and oil of garlic drops were placed in his ears. He also took daily red clover and EZ [Stress Relief] herb combination. His diet consisted of demineralized water, increased raw fruits and vegetables and many whole grains. He avoided products which were refined and had additives.
          Don is now walking without a crutch. He can stand alone whereas before it was impossible. He feels the muscles in his thighs, buttocks and lower back developing and he has strength to do many things to his amazement. This is only the beginning after only four months of treatments. Many thanks are given for the pioneer work done in natural healing to make this success story in progress possible. [NL 1-12]
2.       Tumor: I want to tell you this because maybe it will help someone else. I have a tumor on my leg (almost gone). I've been putting the B & B cotton balls on it, with plastic and tape. My leg got so itchy I couldn't stand it, also the skin all around the tumor got lumpy. Anyway, I thought maybe it was the plastic but when I didn't use it, the B & B would dry so fast I was changing it all day long. This is how I solved it. I cut a slice of potato, big around, cut a groove in the slice to make room for the cotton balls soaked in B & B. I put the plastic on the back of the potato slice (none of it touching the skin) put the tape (I have a very good silk tape) on the other side of the plastic to make a little pad, none touching the skin, then a cloth wound around, holding the whole thing in place.
          This was a good sized tumor. I was amazed when I would take the bandage off it would just squirt all over. Well, I've had it getting bigger for 15 years, and now its almost gone. I'm so glad I didn't have to have my leg all cut up. Wow, wouldn't it have left a hole. I don't even think I'll have a scar. [NL 2-2]
3.       Swimmers Ear: I have used...your combination of Oil of Garlic and B & B Tincture for swimmers ears all with equal success. [NL 2-2]
4.       Epilepsy: A boy 12 years old, was brought to me as a patient several years ago, who was having severe epileptic seizures and these had started after the child had received head injuries in an automobile accident. I have had success treating epileptic patients up to this time, by using our basics; bowel cleaning and blood purification, as well as using antispasmodic herbs. However, none of the procedures I had used over the years so successfully, worked at all with this new 12 year old patient.
          One night I sat alone in my office, after all my patients had left for the day, wondering why I was not getting the results with this boy as I had with others with the same condition. I realized that I needed "help" and so I prayed earnestly that something could be done for this child and after some time of praying and meditating an "idea" for a "formula" of herbs for nerves came to my mind. I quickly wrote down: blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, scullcap, and lobelia in a 90 proof tincture. I immediately went to the lab we had out in back of the office, and made up the tincture. When this formula was given to the epileptic boy patient, there was an immediate reaction, and before long, he showed great improvement. [NL 2-11]

Question to Dr. Christopher in his newsletter. Is there any help for vertigo?
          His answer: Yes, it can be helped. This condition of vertigo is, to most people, a frightening condition. As is explained in The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (Dorland, copyright 1947), vertigo is a sensation as if the external world were revolving around the patient (objective vertigo) or as if he himself were revolving in space (subjective vertigo). The term is sometimes erroneously used as a synonym for dizziness. Vertigo may result from disease of the middle ear (Menere's disease), from cardiac, gastric, or ocular disorders, from some peripheral irritations (as laryngeal vertigo) as a precursor on an epileptic fit, in hysteria, from toxemia (as Bright's disease), from an organic brain disease, and from unrecognized causes (essential vertigo).
          Use B & B Tincture as follows: place four to six drops of oil of garlic in the ear with our eyedropper and follow this with four to six drops of B & B in ear, then plug ear with cotton. Turn the other ear up and do the same as with first ear-plug this one also and leave in all night, or night and day if desired, and flush ears on the seventh day. This is done by using a small ear syringe and flush with warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water (half and half) then continue on. Apply garlic oil and B & B tincture this same way week after week until desired effects are acquired.
          Have the patient drink six to ten drops of the B & B tincture three or more times a day. (This could be done each hour in severe cases.) Massage B & B tincture on the cords back of the ears down the neck area and on the base of the skull (medulla area) several times a day.
          The program as given above has aided many having problems with their equilibrium and locomotion. When more severe, in addition use the "bone, flesh and cartilage" [Comfrey & Oak] formula over the skull area above eyes and ears area soaking and sponging out a cap made of flannel, cotton or wool and leave on the head area overnight, as before, six days a week, week after week until results are received. This fomentation should not only cover the skull area front and sides but also down the back to cover the medulla and down over the upper cervicals to cover the motor nerve area.
We have had years of success healing hearing loss by using the oil of garlic and the B and B tincture. People who have been deaf and were wearing hearing aids are included in the group. There have been cures of those born deaf, too.
At the time of this writing, there is no surgical cure for nerve hearing loss. The causes are fetal damage, trauma at birth, infections, drugs, thyroid disease, diabetes, injuries, noise exposure, or nerve deterioration from age or malnutrition. Just last month, a woman said to us, "I wish they (medical science) would hurry and find a cure for nerve deterioration." We said, "For the nerves in the body?" She said, "No. For the nerves of the ear! I'm having a terrible time with hearing loss and it's getting worse. It's driving me crazy!" We told her that if she didn't have eardrum breakage, there were some herbal nervines that could be used directly in the ear as ear drops. She agreed to try the B and B tincture. As she spoke, her face exhibited a spastic dance of small nervous tics. A month later, on the B and B tincture, her hearing began to gain momentum while the nervous tics faded into the background. Going to the ear, there are three cranial nerves. One is the auditory nerve which controls hearing. The other two are the facial nerve which controls some of the muscles in the face and the vestibular nerve which helps with balance. B and B tincture will aid all three of these nerves.

For "nerves"
10.     Dr. Christopher's Nervine Formula and B&B Tincture: (Stress Relief and B&B Tincture) It can be seen now, how these nerve herbs, when combined as a B & B Tincture, can take care of the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord.
          Then there is the peripheral nervous system, made up of the nerves that extend out from the spinal cord and the base of the brain to the various parts of the body, and the autonomic nervous system, which regulates internal organs. Obviously, these systems must be fed properly throughout one's life in order for them to work properly. If there has been many years of neglect and wrong eating habits that has caused malfunctions and nervous disorders, there is the nine-nerve herb formula (we call Relax-Ease) that can make life work living again!
          These two sets of herbal formulas work well together, the B & B Tincture aiding the brain, medulla, spinal cord and the nine-nerve herb formula aiding the rest of the nerve systems. [NL 2-11]

[ The nine-nerve herb formula referred to above as Relax-Ease was also called 'Stress Relief', 'Herbal Nerve Aid', 'Nerve Herbal Food'. One of the nine herbs it contains is Lady's Slipper root (an herb that has been overharvested to point of being endangered, and is extremely difficult to find as well as being extremely expensive ($165-$260 a pound). The Apothecary has been saving up and we've finally have a couple of pounds, so I'll be starting the tincture 4/14...and it will be available May 1.  The nine-herb blend will be called "Nervine Food" in the Storefront]
Dr. Christopher's B&B Tincture and General Program for Deafness: In many cases, a person can have her hearing restored by following Dr. Christopher's program. One patient had lost her hearing, and could only hear if someone screamed at her when she had her hearing aids turned up full. She couldn't use the phone anymore, and felt discouraged with life in general.
          She decided to use the B.&B. tincture and garlic oil routine. With an eyedropper, you insert into each ear at night four to six drops of oil of garlic and four to six drops of B.&B. tincture, plugging ears overnight with cotton, six days a week, resting on the seventh day. This can continue for four to six months, or as needed. On the seventh day, flush the ears with a small ear syringe using warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water half and half.
          Dr. Christopher commented that many cases where the person was considered legally deaf, by using this program they were able to hear again. Hundreds of people have thrown their hearing aids away after rebuilding their hearing with this simple program.
          This same program is used for earaches and roaring in the head, ringing in the ears, etc. Dr. Christopher originally got this formula when he was working with an epileptic. He was searching for something that could really help the case, and received the formula by inspiration, as if a voice were saying it to him. An old gentleman thought that it might help his hearing, so he put it in his ears, too. In that same household, one of the little children had a terrible earache one night. The mother used this combination in the ears, and the pain stopped and the infection cleared up. Many children have been relieved from this simple program of garlic oil and B.&B. tincture. [EWH p.137] With some folks we have seen the hearing restored and hearing aids discarded in just a few months. In other cases, this program must be followed for far longer periods of time before results are noticed. No two people heal alike, so be patient and follow instructions, then see what happens! [NL 1-6]

Ear Infections
We use oil of garlic and B and B tincture for all ear infections unless the eardrum is broken. An infection in the outer ear may occur from a scratch which has become infected or some stagnant water which breeds bacteria (swimmer's ear).
The infections in the middle ear are caused by congestion of the eustachian tube. Often a middle ear infection will be accompanied by a foul smelling discharge. If allowed to persist the hearing bones or the mastoid process (the bony projection behind the ear) may be infected. Bone, Flesh and Cartilage formula as a fomentation and the oil of garlic with the B and B tincture may be used. It is possible to have a middle ear infection for a long time with no symptoms of earache.
An infection in the inner ear will affect a person's balance. Symptoms may include vertigo, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, etc. Inner ear diseases may occur because of diseased germs in the adjoining tissues of the body. In this case, the blood stream needs purification. The red clover combination is recommended. It is also necessary for all the eliminative channels to be functioning properly. B and B tincture and oil of garlic should be used for inner ear problems. A fomentation of Bone, Flesh and Cartilage should be placed over the ears at night to repair and rebuild the delicate structures within the ear.
Noises in the Ear
I have four other patients on the program for hearing loss and all are making fine progress. One, however, is really amazing.
This patient has been getting a new pair of hearing aids every year for the last twelve years, they're always giving her a stronger pair. The right one she has full blast and hears nothing--she has been diagnosed as nerve deafness.
After only five days she has turned this right hearing aid almost completely off and can hear the radio. She is the happiest woman I have ever seen. by the way, she drives to my office in Chicago twice a week nearly fifty miles each way, even in blizzards and could hardly hear the horns blow on the other cars. She is an amazed woman today."
--H. G. (D.N), Chicago, Illinois
A good many years ago- probably about 1940 my husband was struck by lightening which left him very hard of hearing. We tried several times to have him fitted with hearing aids, but no one seemed to think these would help his problem. Then in about 1973 Bell Tone fitted him, which helped some. In March 1979 we tried the herbal tincture as per your instructions: 6 days, 5 drops oil of garlic, then 5 drops herbal tincture; then the 7th day the cider vinegar and distilled water. Immediately he said to me, "Why! The clock is ticking!" From that day on he has not needed his hearing aids (over $1,100)! We did continue the procedure for another week. We need to know should we continue, and if so, for how long do you suggest? We continue to Praise God and give Him our thanks for this healing blessing. We want to thank you also, for our publication, and the research you have done, that has been such a blessing to us.
--Loveland, Colorado
Hearing and tic improves with B&B Tincture: At the time of this writing, there is no surgical cure for nerve hearing loss. The causes are fetal damage, trauma at birth, infections, drugs, thyroid disease, diabetes, injuries, noise exposure, or nerve deterioration from age or malnutrition. Just last month, a woman said to us, "I wish they (medical science) would hurry and find a cure for nerve deterioration." We said, "For the nerves in the body?" She said, "No. For the nerves of the ear! I'm having a terrible time with hearing loss and it's getting worse. It's driving me crazy!" We told her that if she didn't have eardrum breakage, there were some herbal nervines that could be used directly in the ear as ear drops. She agreed to try the B and B tincture. As she spoke, her face exhibited a spastic dance of small nervous tics. A month later, on the B and B tincture, her hearing began to gain momentum while the nervous tics faded into the background. [NL 4-6]

Deaf since 1 year old: Thanks to your formulas, I was able to cure several persons known to me. Also, my son, deaf since I year old, now 30 years old, has improved his hearing thanks to B&B Tincture. [NL 4-10]


You can get the B&B tincture and Garlic oil at our Apothecary here:

For one month, you would need an 8oz bottle of B&B for taking by mouth and a 2oz bottle of B&B and 2oz of Garlic Oil for the ear drops (the 2oz bottles would be more than enough for several weeks).  If treating a seizure disorder, you'd want to get the B&B tea herbs (to use for a fomentation on the back of the head/neck or the B&B oil to massage in).



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