Re: when in doubt,
Hi Ah,
I didn't have anything illuminating to reply to your first message--I took it to be rhetorical, in effect.
I was sort of teasing you, but also hoping that you would feel like adding something to the subject of "when in doubt", since you clearly have a knack for a certain kind of thinking, and collecting information that could serve others. In the moment, at the time, it seemed like a good idea.
When I saw your "care to rephrase?" I realized that you'd probably not taken me in the spirit i intended, and I lacked the desire to enter into a dialogue where each of us might be feeling 'unseen' by the other. Also, I've no wish to be an authority around here. I like leaving that to ChrisB. I have a little experience, but nothing to write home about.
So, let me make this more succinct.
My apologies, for giving you -or anyone else- the impression that my interests are other than genuinely of good will. I'm on day one of a WF and going to go into my little 'fasting cave' now, and really want there to be no bad feelings on your part.
None on mine, nor any intended.
I wish you well,