St. John’s Wort-
Have you had anyone experience tiredness from the St. John’s Wort? I read some people take it before bed because of that issue. If it does make me tired can I take it all at one time instead of spread thru the day?
... Right, you wouldn't take it on the same day as the Imitrex, and that should prevent any interaction.
Problem is I won’t know when I will get a migraine unless I wake with one. Guess I am just going to have to test it out. Hopefully I will not need to take the imitrex
Migraine-When I have an actual migraine would I use additional brain formula as he instructs (6-10 Dropperfuls at ONCE) and also the cayenne tincture? I realize some of this may be trial and error to see what works at that time. Is there any problem with using them at the same time? For example if I had a “killer migraine” and I tried the brain formula and it did not relieve it could I then try the cayenne tincture? Yes, 'trial & error' (or better yet, "trial & success") is something we usually need to do to learn how our body responds. If it were me, this is what I'd do with the migraine issues you report (after I had acclimated to Cayenne tincture doses at the 2-3 droppersful level):
What did you mean by “(after I had acclimated to Cayenne tincture doses at the 2-3 droppersful level):” I know with the powder you have me starting “with 1/8 teaspoon as a dose and work up to at least 1/2 teaspoon per dose” but I did not see any plan with the cayenne tincture? I thought I was starting with 2 droppersfuls of Cayenne Tincture #1 3-5x daily (separate from the ACV Bombs) but then I was lowering the Cayenne Tincture as I increased the Cayenne Powder? I do not see daily that I would get up to 2-3 dropperfulls?
Also when you say “after I had acclimated to Cayenne tincture doses at the 2-3 droppersful level “ do you mean that I would not start the plan you have given me below ( taking the 5 droppersful etc) until after I had acclimated to Cayenne tincture doses at the 2-3 droppersful level? I am confused by this because I thought this is what I would do starting immediately when I get a migraine?
Upon sensing a migraine 'coming on', I would immediately take 5 droppersful of Cayenne tincture and take another 5 if needed (as I explained before). If that didn't work (or only worked partially), I'd take 5 of the Brain Formula (and another 5 in the same manner as the Cayenne). (Note: caffeine can have a positive OR negative effect on migraines...typically positive, but not always. So be SURE to "test" the Brain Formula before taking 5 droppersful. I'd start with 1/2 a dropperful, which is approximately 15 drops - then if that didn't have a negative effect, make my next dose a full dropperful, then my next 1 1/2 droppersful, then 2, etc). Definitely test the Lobelia in the same manner - sometimes 15 drops of Lobelia is all it takes (and our Lobelia is very potent).
Thank you for giving me a “plan” you know how much I like that! It sounds like a great one. Caffeine usually has a positive effect on my migraines. But it can have a negative effect when I have it too many days in a row. Sometimes it can cause headaches. I guess I need to see what the Kola Nut will be like, if I will have effects from it.
Lobelia is almost a 'magical' herb (it was Dr. Christopher's favorite - he always said, "If in doubt, Lobelia". ... Hence it's possible that a dropperful (or two, or even less) could "relax" whatever constriction or spasm that causes (or worsens) a migraine.
I wonder if this would be helpful with my muscle spasms and pain? Pain that is not from migraines?
Lobelia is something everyone should have in their 'herbal first-aid kit'...and it's something I was going to suggest trying for the migraines if the Cayenne and/or Brain formula 'wasn't enough'. We'll be happy to send a 1/2 oz sample size - just add it to your 'sample requests' when you order.
Thank you I will do that.
Liver Cleansing (part 2 of questions) - once you get your bm's regulated and have done 7-10 days of the IF#2, you can start prepping your liver for series of Liver Flushes. The absolute best "prep" for a liver flush is Dr. Schulzes 5 Day Liver Cleanse;
Sorry I am pretty confused about the Liver Cleanse and have lots of questions.
On this link you said “I always keep a jar of ginger juice in the freezer” I think this would be great for me to do for both the liver and my nausea issues. You said “ You can just throw a big 'thumb sized' piece of ginger root in the blender with the olive oil, but you'll want to strain out the pulp (so be sure to add extra oil for that which will stay in the blender and that ends up in the pulp)”,is this still the best way? Would I grate the outside of the ginger off before I add it? You said “strain the pulp”, I am wondering if my blender will just mush all of this up and if I would be able to strain the pulp? If it is in a jar frozen when you need it do you defrost the whole jar and then refreeze it all?
Questions from the link on the Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program
For breakfast I drink the Morning Drink (Liver & Gallbladder Flush. They give different juices for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. For me I am guessing it is still summer since it is 90 degrees in Florida, correct?
It says “Consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gallbladder - Anti-Parasite tonic 4 times daily during this cleanse. Take in a few ounces of water. It should be quite bitter.”
I see your notes that this is not the best way to do it, I think I would put it my tongue as you instructed previously with the Liver/GB tincture, correct?
I have compared the 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program and the Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program for Kidney (again I am still confused about which I am doing when) and they are very similar. You suggested that I start the liver prep 7-10 days onto IF#2 and the Kidney Cleanse right when I started IF#2 but I was not sure if you would do both of these together since they were similar or if it is too confusing/conflicting?
If I do not do them at the same time is it okay if the Kidney and Liver Flushes overlap? If I had to do a 2nd Kidney Cleanse it seems it would run into the start of the Liver Prep? If they do overlap I am wondering how you would do the teas and breakfast drinks since they are different (this would be my same question if you did the Kidney and Liver together) If you do not do them together and they should not overlap would I postpone my liver prep until I had completed the kidney if I need to do the Kidney Stone - Bad Calcium Flush and the 2nd kidney flush with it?
When I compared the instructions for both, the drink you have within 1 hour of waking are different. With both you drink tea 15 minutes after the morning drink but I assume the teas are different? With the liver you are adding in the increase in Liver/GB tincture. But, what you eat/drink for the 5-days is the exact same. So if I do these together can you explain how I would do the teas and the morning drinks?
This Liver Plan, as with the Kidney Plan, gives detailed instructions for what you should eat and when each of the five days. For Days #2, #3 and #4 you are supposed to juice fast. It gives very specific instructions on what you can drink for example “it is BEST, while on this program NOT to mix fruit and vegetables together.” Should I be following these instructions and not mixing the fruit and vegetable juices?
Also on Day 5, states I am supposed to break my fast it says “Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program.” If this is the case (like with the Kidney) how do I do this while juice fasting?
On this link you also said “Anyone that doesn't do some type of parasite cleanse before flushing their liver is asking for trouble.” I believe I am starting my parasite cleanse when I begin the IF#2. If I am starting the liver prep 7-10 days into the IF#2 and then the Liver Flush six days later, is that long enough of a parasite cleanse to begin on the liver?
If this is correct I am wondering about the juice fast. I am not sure how long I will be able to do the fast. In the instructions for Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program Days #2, #3 and #4 suggest juice fasting but I see a note from you that says “You do not "have" to do the 3-day juice fast in the middle of the 5 day cleanse, but it's beneficial.”
You will likely/definitely want to be doing more than one 5-Day cleanse, but perhaps not every time you do a liver flush.
When would you expect I would do my next Liver Prep and how often would I do the preps? Just wondering if I should get the 10-day now or if I could wait. Below you said “It takes most people a 'series' of liver flushes to adequately cleanse their liver - so you'll likely be working on your liver (on & off) for at least 4-5 months" but you said that I might not do a prep every time I do a flush.
The one thing I suggest getting now for your liver (which, like your kidneys, is likely desperately in need of some attention), is a 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture. I see this is included in the 5 Day Liver Cleanse package, would I need an additional 2oz bottle? For starters, for the first couple of weeks while you're getting accustomed to the IF#1/IF#2 and starting to work on the Kidney Cleanse & juice fasting, you might just want to get the 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture and do the 'tongue drops' every day to start assisting digestion and flow of bile. Then after the Kidney cleanse you could order the 5-Day Liver Cleanses.
On the link for “Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program” it says to “consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gallbladder - Anti-Parasite tonic 4 times daily during this cleanse”. Also, below you said “so you'll likely be working on your liver (on & off) for at least 4-5 months…. so I suggest 5x daily (3x daily minimum)” Does that mean while I am doing the “5-Day Liver Flush & Detoxification Program” I consume the Liver/GB tincture at 2 droppersful 4x/day and then after I would return to “5 drops of the tincture on your tongue 5 times a day”?
You suggested I do “put 5 drops of the tincture on your tongue 5 times a day.”Does it matter when I do this each day? For example on empty stomach, etc? Since the point of this is NOT to assimilate herbs into the bloodstream, it doesn't matter whether or ot there is food in your stomach. But since it triggers bile production/release, it would be a good idea to do a few drops before every meal.
You mention later that “The Liver Tincture needs to be taken by itself because of the "bitters action" and you also say “it would be a good idea to do a few drops before every meal.”, I am trying to figure out where to fit this in with everything else.
I am still working on my daily schedule but I think 1 hour before my morning nutritional drink I was planning to take IF#2 and the Parasite Herbs, ½ hour before lunch and dinner I was planning to take IF#2 and the ACV Bomb, between lunch & dinner (and also between dinner and bed) I was taking IF#2 and parasite Herbs. So I am not sure where to fit this in each day. Maybe it would be better to decide when I get the whole daily schedule laid out?
How long would you suggest I do this for? It takes most people a 'series' of liver flushes to adequately cleanse their liver - so you'll likely be working on your liver (on & off) for at least 4-5 months. This is a very beneficial, yet cheap & easy way to assist the I suggest 5x daily (3x daily minimum).
Is there a schedule I should follow in regards to when to do the liver flushes or a way to know when I need to do one? How will I know when my liver is adequately cleansed?
Ashwagandha -
I take 1-3 Tablespoons daily (mixed with water or juice). I'd start with 1T and work up to 3T (if I need it). Does this get taken on an empty stomach? Perhaps ½ before meals? If I am juice fasting I do not think it matters since it is taken with juice.
Also, how will I know if I need to increase? With so much going on with my physically and taking so much I am not sure how to judge my need to increase certain things. I do not know if I start to feel better how I will know what to attribute it to. Hopefully that makes sense
Stomach-See image below...just to clarify - are you talking about your actual "stomach"- #4 in the image (most people aren't when they refer to their stomach or tummy), or are you referring to the various intestines below your actual stomach? You are right, I am not referring to my actual stomach. You are a wealth of information! It is the “ various intestines below your actual stomach”
Lady’s Slipper: It seems to have a 'next day' effect of a very slight 'calming' for me (it's claim to fame is 'quieting a racy brain')...and that effect (for me) seems to roll over into the following day (at least in the morning).
I guess I will have to see how this effects me. Not sure right now that I need any more calming in my life, I could use a little less…lol! But I do think it is worth a try
What about melatonin? Is this bad to take? I do find when things are going “well” that will usually help me sleep but I would not say it is always “uninterrupted” or restful but I do sleep. I also used to take magnesium at night to help with sleep and constipation. If you're using a supplement (Melatonin) that you know is working, I suggest continuing it and then weaning off as it's need becomes less & less.
Is there anything wrong with using Melatonin as a sleep aide (such as the side affects you mentioned to me with my other medications) or is it the issue with supplements as a whole? Or are you saying that I could wean off as the need becomes less because I will be able to sleep on my own without anything? I am just curious in case the lady’s slipper does not work for me. The melatonin does work better than anything I have taken before but sometimes I do get crazy dreams and also as I said before I do not sleep uninterrupted.
The magnesium...?...not so much the same, because the reason that magnesium increases bowel activity is that it draws water from the bloodstream into the intestinal tract. This means that our natural electrolyte balance can be disrupted (stressing our kidneys & adrenals) as well as causing dehydration. Also, this encourages 'bowel action weakness' because it 'bandaids' the constipation without doing anything to address the cause. So I'd ditch the magnesium when you get the IF#1 (which will ensure you're not constipated).
Again great info! I will not continue with the supplement. Now this may be my supplement brainwashing but I do believe there is a need for us to have magnesium, correct? But my guess is as I go more raw and juice that I would get my need filled from greens like spinach, nuts etc and also the superfoods formula, correct?
Juice Fast-When juice-fasting, I suggest adding actual fruit only one time per day...but it's not going to 'break the protocol' if you have 1/2 a cup of pureed fruit 2-3x daily in with additional smoothies. What most people find is there's no WAY they can ingest a gallon of juice, the herbal teas (if they're using them) AND three Superfood smoothies.
That does seem like a lot each day!. With just a gallon of juice it is 16 cups already, I think that will be plenty no need for extra fruit!
When you say “actual fruit” I am guessing you mean blended instead of juiced? We discussed using fruit in the juices I would be drinking each day.
What's important is that you get 4-6T of Superfood in you every doesn't really matter 'how' you get it in you. Some people like to add it to Potassium Broth (or any type of veggie broth, which you can have on a juice-fast, too) Btw, ignore that part at the end of the Potassium Broth recipe about "it must be taken by sick people only" - it's just a veggie broth that's strong on the potassium side (our sodium/potassium balance is usually WAY too high in sodium, and sodium 'feeds' cancer). If you choose to make it (or any kind of veggie broth), this is your opportunity to 'bolster' a particular vitamin, nutrient, or mineral you want to 'supplement'. This site is GREAT for finding 'what food = what nutrient'':
That is a great idea, to “'bolster' a particular vitamin, nutrient, or mineral” especially for me right now. I had not thought of that at all, to try and figure out what I might need and get it in my juice or a broth during that fasting time. I had not thought of being intentional during the fasting time with what I juice/make broth. I had thought I would juice the basic vegetables and fruits that I knew were healthy (such as the ones from Gerson I listed) and decide a lot by the flavor. I really need to adjust my brain to the fact that my juice fast is for healing instead of thinking of it as part of my eating plan. How would I know what vitamin, nutrient, or mineral I need to bolster? Are there ways to figure it out or suggestions you might have? (as if you have not done enough!).
I do see later you did let me know that I needed to “juice high calcium/silica fruits & veggies and whenever possible add high calcium/silica herbs” and to check this site for it “
In regards to the broth it is just the peels for the carrot and potatoes, the outer layers, correct? I saw this post and it seemed to be more detailed than Dr. Schultze’s :
Colon Cleanse-
Got it! Take the first dose of the IF#2 one hour after whatever I am drinking in the am. I think that even when I am not juice-fasting I will have a smoothie of some sort in the am.
We discussed me starting the juice-fasting when I am “regulated to 3+ bms daily”. S if I am correct when I regulate to 3 bm’s daily I (1) Begin IF#2 and continue #1 and #2 for 30 days (2) Begin Juice Fast (3) Start my parasite cleanse with the “UnyWorm dry herbs (to mix into 3 of the 5 doses of IF#2)” and continue parasite cleanse for 30 days
When I begin IF#2 I take the IF#1 as usual “but increase your regular dosage by 1 additional pill, or more if necessary to have sufficient bowel movements.” correct?
When you say 30 days minimum does that mean from when I start or from when I am on #1 and #2 together? It means "around 30 days" give or take a few days. When in doubt, always go with ' what's best for your body' (which in this case is to start counting on the day you start the IF#2)...that way you're sure to get 30 days worth of healing/cleansing goodness.
I think I got it. So IF#1 until I am regulated to 3+ bms then begin IF#2 and continue with both for 30 days.
...- if you are having 3 bms daily after 2-3 days on the IF#1 and you want to go ahead and start the IF#2, that works. If you'd rather make absolutely 'persnickety sure' that you can continue having 3bms daily on the IF#1 before you start the IF#2, that works, too.
I think this answers a question that I had which was when I get to 3 bm’s daily how many days at 3 bm’s should I wait before beginning IF#2? I think from what you are saying I could start IF#2 the next day I do not need to wait to “make absolutely 'persnickety sure' that you can continue having 3bms daily”, correct?
5x daily or 6x daily? Since you'll be starting with heaping 1/2 teaspoons (to make sure everything is 'safe' from the surgery), you'll likely have enough to have 6 doses daily. Our '30 day bags' of IF#2 are measure for a heaping teaspoon 5x daily. When I'm doing IF#2, I take a level (or heaping) tablespoon 5-6x daily (my body just LOVES IF#2 :) This: You want the formula in your colon at all times, and not sporadically. Then, you will notice parasites being removed, casing of old fecal matter coming out, and mucus. If you take the number two formula erratically or once or twice a day, this will not happen. is ALWAYS the case! Think of it like "scrubbing bubbles that have magnets"...every time you take a dose of IF#2, the psyllium and mucilaginous herbs 'swell a bit' and become sticky-slimey and gently stick to the junk (or lining) of your colon (doing a little 'scrubbing')...and the bentonite/charcoal 'pulls out' toxins. Then it gently pulls away...taking a tiny bit of the top layer of crud with it, and pulling at the deep chunks & pockets. We want this gentle action to happen again and again and again throughout the day...stick to the crud, pull away from the crud (taking a little bit with it) while tugging at the bigger pieces of plaque (and what is in the diverticuli pockets). The more times per day this action happens, the faster and more effective the cleanse will be.
Sounds like great stuff!
Since I want “the formula in your colon at all times, and not sporadically.” If I am going to be out for a portion of the day I need to take it with me, correct?
The link I have suggests that you start “One hour after your morning nutritional drink …. Do the same ½ hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, ½ hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons each day." I think I could add my 6th dose (in the beginning) between dinner and bed, right?
Garlic-Organic garlic is not essential, but it's always best (the cloves are MUCH bigger). Organic cloves can be as big as the end of your thumb! So if you're not going to be able get organic (and the cloves are only about the size of your thumbnail), then "adjust up" the amount of cloves you take.
So it is 1-3 minced cloves of organic garlic and if I do not use organic than I would adjust up as you said, correct?
You don't have to have a 'garlic twister', but if you don't have one you need to mince the cloves by hand because a garlic press leaves WAY too much of the actual garlic in the press :( This is the one I have (and I totally love it!):
I did not think you were saying I had to have one, but I certainly don’t want to mince all that garlic by hand!
A little tip? Twist the garlic FIRST then shake as much into the glass as you can. But instead of trying to scrape out all the lil' pieces (that get stuck in the teeth of the Twister) with a knife or something, just pour a bit of the ACV/blackstrap blend (or a splash of water) into the twister, put the lid on it and give it a twist. And then you can easily pour out all the rest of the lil' garlic pieces :)
Besides great info you have great tips too!
ACV Bomb-
You said the ACV Bomb is “something we should all have daily”; will I do this long term?
Slippery Elm bark powder -
It can be made with water, but it's MUCH tastier if made with apple juice (with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of natural sweetener like maple syrup or honey). Would it be best to make my own apple juice? Since you use so much each day can I make it ahead and keep in fridge? Would it matter what type of apples (I know they should be organic) It's always best to make our own :) Any type of apples are fine - the 'green ones' have less sugar.
How long does apple juice keep if I make it ahead?
I am going to be taking 6T/day. Is it better to take it all at once in your am drink or to split it into two doses and have a 2nd drink later in the day?
When I do the Kidney and Liver Cleanses my guess is that I would consume the superfoods at another time of the day besides the morning since I will be drinking other things during those cleanses in the am, is that correct?
Echinacea Tincture - 2-4 droppersful, 3-4x daily (to bolster & restore immune system and assist with Candida).
Does it matter when I take it each day? For example on an empty stomach or with meal?
Kidney Cleanse –
So, there's a LOT of reasons why you may have a "reduction in symptoms" after doing a kidney cleanse...and some of the improvement may be something 'indirectly affected' by the things the kidneys affect.
I think with everything we are trying if I start to feel better I might not know what to attribute it to the colon cleanse, kidney cleanse etc. I am hoping that is the case, that I have a reduction in symptoms! That said I am not sure if I would know it was the kidney cleanse that did it so perhaps it is best for me to wait to do a 2nd one the next month unless I have problems and need to do the Kidney stone/bad calcium flush. That way I can order a 10-Day now and do the 5-Day and have an extra 5-Day on hand to do with the Kidney stone/bad calcium flush if needed
You're going to be juice-fasting AND colon you can do a kidney cleanse (or a liver cleanse) at any time when you're doing those things. If you feel more comfortable doing 2 weeks of colon cleansing before starting a kidney cleanse, that's certainly alright, but you don't "have" to do that.
I will do any of these things when you think it is best to do it, it does not matter to me if I wait 2 weeks. I actually would rather get it done as soon as I can while I am home.
I am still confused by which kidney cleanse instructions I would follow. Page one, “Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days” which is just basically drinking the tea throughout the day. My guess is this would be while juice fasting?
On page two, the “Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program”, and also on the link you sent me that says “5-Day Kidney/Bladder Cleansing Program” it gives detailed instructions for what you should eat and when each of the five days. For Days #2, #3 and #4 you are supposed to juice fast. It gives very specific instructions on what you can drink for example “it is BEST, while on this program NOT to mix fruit and vegetables together.” Should I be following these instructions and not mixing the fruit and vegetable juices?
On Day 5, states I am supposed to break my fast it says “Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program.” If this is the case how do I do this while doing a long term juice fast? I am not sure how long I will be juice fasting but I just wondered.
Do I do the “Kidney stone/bad calcium flush" only if there is a dramatic lessening of urine flow? I am a little nervous that I won’t have any idea if I need to do this or not
Day 1
-- Bring the contents of each jar to a boil, cover, and allow to simmer for at least 15 minutes. Cool. Strain/press the contents of Jar #1 (putting used herbs in mulch pot/pile or throw away). After straining/pressing the contents of Jar #1 and disposing of the herbs, if necessary, add enough water to equal 1 quart (32 oz) of herb/apple juice mixture.
After straining/pressing the contents of Jar #1 I refrigerate it, correct?
--Drink all 32 ounces of the contents of Jar #1 at the rate of 2oz every waking hour (16 hours) - that is 2 Tablespoons (1/8 of a cup) every hour. Drink an extra 32 oz of distilled or R/O water on Day 1.
So I need to make sure I am up for 16 hours or I have to wake up to drink the 2oz/hour correct?
If doing this with a 5-Day Kidney cleanse, it is recommended to start this protocol on the 2nd day of the 5-Day cleanse.
I would do a 2nd Kidney Cleanse with the Kidney Stone - Bad Calcium Flush, correct?
Instructions for Kidney Tea:
…. Let sit overnite and repeat the process again. Keep adding new herbs/water to the old ones until the evening of the third day, then discard all herbs and start over.
Is there an easy way to strain the herbs out?
Other questions:
The Liver Tincture needs to be taken by itself because of the "bitters action", but other than those you can mix them together (and splash them with some boiling water to 'steam off' the majority of the alcohol, if you want to), and mix some juice with them (or not). So that makes the 'tincture thing' MUCH easier.
Except for the liver one, can all the tinctures be mixed with juice or water for taste? For example the Echinacea, and Herbal Calcium Tincture? I am not sure if they all taste bad?
Yes, we need a tablespoon or two of oil daily - but with the Wheat Germ Oil (1-3 T daily), the fish oil (if using) and all the olive oil for the liver cleansing (plus any oils in the fruits, veggies, sprouted seeds, nuts & grains), that seems plenty good to me. BUT, if you feel otherwise (and have evidence of other healers having used the oil successfully in a healing protocol), then by all means, add what you feel is necessary. (But be careful/cautious of adding something because of someone with no clinical experience that wrote a book about it and made thousands by publishing his/her "oil theories")
That sounds like plenty to me. With the Wheat Germ oil how do you take it? Just drink it straight (sounds yucky) or mix? I am going to continue with my fish oil supplements. For the olive oil when you are not doing liver cleansing I do not think I would need to add additional, right? Especially if I am eating raw I would use it on my salads and such.
I know you get this question a lot but what about protein? I know when I did raw there was a lot I read about it. I mainly got my protein from spirulina and other superfoods. Does the superfoods formula give me all I need? Would I need additional superfoods or is everything I need in the superfoods formula? Gotcha covered! The first three short "protein chapters" are very VERY good (this is written by a "Gerson person") Regarding Protein, Juicing, and Healing
The links to the chapters are not working.
The whole "oil thing" is kind of up for grabs (I wish I had totally solid answers, but I just can't find/get them, for this protocol). We know this 100% for sure - Gerson used ZERO oils (none-zada-zip-zilch) for his first years in practice - tried many kinds of oils/fats and found that fresh flaxseed oil was the only one that didn't cause cancer to grow or return. So he changed his protocol to include 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. period. Schulze had no added oils except the olive oil used for liver cleansing and flushing. In the SaveYourManual, we hear interviewer Bizer talking about his wife needs to add flaxseed oil and flaxseed, but we don't hear Schulze say that. Dr. Christopher was big on olive oil and wheat germ oil. The two oils that *I* recommend for this protocol are those two. If you haven't checked out the benefits of Wheat Germ oil, be sure to check these: Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil Superfood Profile: Find the Health Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil
Thank you I had never ever read anything on wheat germ oil sounds like good stuff!
I currently have ground flaxseed that I am trying to eat each day for additional fiber. Would you recommend that I continue this? You're going to be getting plenty of fiber with the IF#2, but if you wanna throw in some more ground flax with the IF#2 (or take it separately), that'll work.
Perhaps for the day when I stop IF#2 if that day comes!
If you're not constipated now, you're not going to become constipated by improving your diet and starting the IF#1 (which is to make sure you don't get constipated!). Just start slowly - no hurries, no worries; it's a chance to 'make new friends' with more of Nature's/God's healing goodness. And always are NOT the first person to ever do this! Tens of thousands of people have used these exact products over many, many decades. Yes, it's new to you...but it's NOT new at all. Yes, you may be technically 'alone', but you're NOT 'all by yourself''ve got all of us! (and for most of this, you really wouldn't want us any closer than we are! lol. It's one thing to share poop-stories on the 'net with strangers, it's a whole other experience to share a bathroom!)
Thank you, I am excited!
Are there any interactions I should worry about between any of this natural stuff and my migraine or other meds if I have to take them? Obviously my hope is I will no longer need them but if I have a migraine that won’t go away and need imitrex, narcotics etc could there be a problem? You mentioned St. John’s & imitrex, I also saw info on not mixing with narcotics. The most likely "reaction" with St. John's is that it will simply lower the blood level of the Imitrex. That's not really a chemical interaction, it just lowers the blood level because it helps the liver to detox the Imitrex faster. The Cayenne will not react with any pharmaceutical, so that's no problem for sure. After I see a list of what exactly you order, I'll be sure to check my database and see if I can find any others I'm might be missing or forgetting.
Thank you very much for checking the database, I appreciate it. As I said I hope to stay away from everything but it is good to know just in case. The main things to check would be Imitrex, Percocet (in case the headache gets really bad). Phernergan and Zofran (in case the nausea is very bad)
I see a lot of the tinctures are mixed with alcohol. Is there any concern about this making me drowsy or anything else? Splash 'em with boiling water and the majority of the alcohol will evaporate away :)
If I am out and use the tincture with a migraine should I be concerned with the alcohol since I am taking so much? I know the first few times I need to test when I am home to see if I have any effects. Just wondering your thoughts and what my alcohol level might be? Since I am out I cannot splash with the boiling water I was wondering.
Also, I am taking a lot of tinctures with alcohol during the day so perhaps it is best for me to do the boiling water thing with them all when I am home because I do not want to get too tired?
Castor Oil-In regards to castor oil I realize it is important but I do want to take some time and read through everything and then format my questions for you. Is this anything I would need to start right away or can it wait? At least until my liver flushes right? This would give me a bit to look it all over and do another post to you about it
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