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Re: orders and such
I just found that site last week and I laughed my ass off!!!
I loved his irreverence and blunt, matter-of-fact, cuss-word uninhibited writing.
so I had to search the forum to see if someone had posted it here, and of course they already had 2 months ago
I too laughed at the dripping nose piece.
Damn my goes crazy dripping sometimes
sometimes I will notice almost a post nasal drip feeling and then when I take my
Iodine in a short time it switches to dripping out my nose and I feel better
this detox thing is crazy.....
I liked this part too:
People are so mind-controlled by fear of
Iodine that they start to have side-effects from pathetic dosages of iodine/iodide. They literally believe that they are drinking poison and so their mind manifests symptoms. This is what is behind most failure with the usage of
Iodine supplements. They get a slight headache and run to Google to perform a search for "iodine toxicity signs." Google returns pages of crap written by other brain-washed idiots that scares the shit out of them. C'mon!