Pancreatin Side Effects
Pancreatin is available as prescription and non-prescription supplements. Needless to say, the digestive enzymes present in different brands of pancreatin vary and the responses observed after taking pancreatin supplement vary from one person to another. Thus, it is not compulsory that the pancreatin dose for adults having the same disease condition should be the same. Learn more on
benefits of digestive enzymes. The doctor is the best person to decide individualized pancreatin dosage, based on the person's requirement and the concentration present in the particular tablet. Considering this, it is very important to take this supplement under strict medical supervision. Failure to do so may result in various pancreatin side effects, which are discussed below:
Diarrhea: One of the most commonly reported side effects of pancreatin is loose motion or diarrhea. This is because, the body system may overact to external sources of pancreatic enzymes. Usually,
diarrhea due to pancreatin subsides within a few days without medical intervention.
Constipation: In some patients,
constipation is observed after administration of pancreatin supplement. Similar to pancreatin related diarrhea, constipation symptoms improve within 2 - 3 days of pancreatin intake, by which time the body gets used to this supplement.
Nausea: Nausea and dizziness are common symptoms manifested due to lack of pancreatic secretions. These symptoms may persist even after introducing pancreatin supplement for the first time. With time, the nausea feeling will subside as the body gets adjusted to external pancreatin.
Stomach Irritation: Pancreatin side effects also include stomach discomfort, particularly within the first week of treatment. In case, pain in the abdominal area remains for more than 2 days, consult the doctor. It may be a case of intestinal obstruction, which occurs in pancreatin overdose.
Skin Conditions: This occurs when an individual is allergic to the ingredients present in pancreatin supplement. Under such a case, it is practical to stop taking the supplement and seek medical attention as soon as possible, so as to avoid further medical complications.
Other Side Effects: Pancreatin side effects may include malabsorption of nutrients and increased uric acid content in blood and urine. In case of prolonged pancreatin treatment (more than 2 months), the pancreas may stop secretion of digestive enzyme, after which the patient may require to take pancreatin for a lifetime.
Thus, pancreatin side effects are often mild and treatable. Last but not the least, people who have underlying medical problems (especially hypertension, liver disease and gallstone) should refrain from non-prescription pancreatin supplement. Women who are planning to pregnant, already pregnant or breastfeeding are strictly asked not to do self administration of pancreatin. On the concluding note, you can minimize the dangers of pancreatin by taking this supplement only under the advice of a qualified physician.